
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Countdown to Your Best Year Ever!

The start of another new year is right around the corner. Before you know it, we will be ringing in 2016. In fact, January 1, 2016, is only nine days away! That means you have nine days to get ready to make 2016 your best year ever. 

How exciting is that?! Another chance to start over. Put 2015 behind you. A new year with fresh possibilities, new opportunities, new beginnings, and second chances awaits!

So what are you going to do over the next nine days to prepare for this wondrous opportunity? This is not the time to sit back and relax. Yes, I know the holidays can be stressful. Yes, I know we are all tired. But those who prepare now to make the most of the coming year have a far better chance at success than those who are sitting back drinking one more cup of eggnog.

If you are one of those ready for a life-changing year, here are nine things you can do - one each day- to help you prepare for your best year yet!

1. Clean out your desk.  According to experts, Americans waste almost 30 minutes a day – 180 hours a year – looking for misplaced items. I would wager that there are many things you could do with an extra 180 hours next year.

One of the first steps to getting organized is eliminating the clutter, and one of the first places you should tackle is your desk.
Here's a six-step approach to streamlining your workspace.

Check your closetWhen you work from home, you can think that your wardrobe no longer matters. After all, who sees you, sitting behind your keyboard? It might be true that the only person who sees you is your cat and the UPS man, but there are still a number of reasons to upgrade your wardrobe – or at least make sure your shirt is spaghetti-sauce free.

3. Set your schedule.  I, too, am preparing for 2016. And there are a number of changes I plan make this year. I'll bet they are somewhat similar to yours! So let's start 2016 together by looking at some things we can do next year that will pay off in a big way. 

The first thing I need to do is look at how I schedule my time. I'm sure you have the same question I do - how do you allow enough time for product creation, customer service, networking, enrichment, research, and just plain goofing off? It is possible – and
these hints will help.

4. Create a "Study Group".  According to those who have been there before, the key to success in law or business school is getting in with the right study group. These partners not only give you buddies to study with, they keep you accountable and on-task. If you let yourself down, you let down the whole group.

Entrepreneurs have "study groups" also. Only we call them "masterminds." Finding accountability partners can be key to a successful business venture. A good mastermind will be comprised of fellow business people who can support your efforts, help you brainstorm problems, and keep you on schedule, The right mastermind can mean the difference between passing and failing. Here's
what to look for in your own “study group.”

5. Get your year-end checkup.  At the end of every year or the beginning of the new one, it pays to take a look back to see how you did. Figuring out where you are now not only lets you appreciate how far you've come, it also helps identify areas where you may be lagging behind your aspirations. Here are few of the numbers you can look at to
evaluate your business.

6. Keep your combinations safe. ID theft is a very real threat. In fact, ID theft complaints are the number-one complaint to the Federal Trade Commission, accounting for 18% of all complaints and accounting for billions of dollars in loss (2012 data). And it can be very costly to repair the damage, as I know from experience! 

While your identity can be stolen through the postal service or by swiping your wallet, by far your greatest exposure is online. And when you're an online businessperson, that risk is even higher; not only your personal information is available, but your professional information, too. Thankfully, there are a number of
low- and high-tech options for keeping track of your passwords and user names.

7. Have a fling!  The cold, dreary days of winter are a perfect time to get in one little warmer-locale fling before settling back down to work after the holidays..

What? I said we only had one day for each these? Never fear. Here are
some ways to enjoy a mini-fling

8. Organize your home office.  Working from a home office can be challenging. Space can be minimal, making it difficult to find places to work, store files, or place equipment. Rid yourself of this stress by following the these
tips for organizing your office space, no matter how small.

9. Set your goals for 2016.  Did you know that less than 3% of people have written goals? Why? Studies have shown that the most successful people are the ones who have specific, written goals. This is true in both your personal and your business life. Perhaps most people don't have written goals because they don't understand how to set and use them. Since
setting goals is one of the most important keys to achieving business success, let's learn how to use them wisely.

I'm issuing a challenge to all of you right now. Let's make 2016 your year. Each one of us has a choice to make. 2016 is right around the corner and it's calling to you to change your life. Are you coming or not? Will you make the choice to join us? Start today step-by-step. And just don't quit!


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Struggling With Addiction

Carol had a problem and she knew it.  She was struggling with an addiction.  Her friends encouraged her to stop but she couldn’t.  Her family tried to understand but they were beginning to lose patience.  She knew it would be best for her family but she felt so out of control.  It was no use.  She had a classic case of bright shiny object syndrome.
I know Carol very well.  She is a dear friend.  In fact, just this evening I received a text message from her.  She had just found the latest, greatest, next big thing and she wanted me to check it out.  Why the person who had sponsored her made $35,000 in a month!  And he was going to show us how to do the same.  I laughed and made this comment: "Well, here goes Carol, chasing another shiny object." 
Well, as I was sitting there feeling all pompous and self-satisfied because I don’t have this problem, I received a sudden wake-up call.  You see, my daughter is visiting today.  Now if you have children, then you know what happened next.  She took great delight in reminding me that it hadn't always been that way.  At one point in my early days, I was spending literally thousands of dollars on stuff I never used.  In fact my computer and my office are still crammed with ebooks, reports, books, and videos that I have never even opened!  She very neatly pointed out that while I may not have the same type as Carol, at one time I suffered from my own form of Bright Shiny Object Syndrome.  And that’s when it hit me.  There are many of us who suffer from this addiction.

How many of you have spent 100s or even 1000s of dollars on programs, conferences, webinars, and books that you never implemented? 

How many of you have jumped from one network marketing opportunity to another, and are still broke?

How many of you have lost money and are still working a job just to pay for your courses and ebooks and network marketing business products?

I know I have been guilty of all these things.  And I say, IT HAS TO STOP!

I was fortunate enough to stumble into the right people and the right company to help me be successful.  So now I only buy something when I absolutely know I need it.  And my network marketing company hopping days are over.  I love the one I'm with and plan to stay for a very long time.  But my success was due in great part to circumstances.  You see, you can't buy stuff when you are out of money!  You can't join another company when you can't afford the enrollment fee.  Many of us are still caught on this hamster-wheel, though.
What causes this dread illness?  There are several factors.   We live in an age of instant gratification. Where the push of a button can put us in touch with magical worlds. Where things we only imagined a few years ago are now reality. Where change comes like a whirlwind and every achievement is monumental. It's easy to expect to constantly feel that level of excitement every day. And when we don't, we think something is wrong. And so we end up chasing the next bright shiny object, hoping to feel that excitement all over again.  Add to that the “gurus” who continuously promise that if you simply join their program or buy their product, you will make six-figures in no time – often with no effort on your part!  And so we purchase and enroll and when we don’t see the promised results, we don’t blame ourselves.  We think there is something wrong with them and if we can simply find the right program or product, all our dreams will come true.  We forget that it takes work to be successful.
Patience and persistence do pay off.  All the true experts will tell you that.  And they are absolutely correct. You should listen to them.
So before you join another program, enroll in another “opportunity”, or buy another product, ask yourself these questions.
1. Does this add to or complement your existing business? If the answer is no, cover your eyes and walk away!

2. What will you have to give up to make time for the new project? If you can't fit the new project in your day and don't have anything you can give up to open a bit of time, turn your head because this is not for you.

3. Will it generate enough profit to make it a worthwhile investment of your time? While you cannot guarantee that a project will make money, sometimes you can make an educated guess.
4.  Are you willing to devote the time and effort it will take to make this worthwhile?  There is no such thing as an easy, overnight path to riches.  There is no magic button, no secret formula.  It will take time and work.  If you don’t want to give up either of those, move on! 
Bored? Feeling a lack of excitement? Need to try something new? Not making the money you were promised?  Before you succumb to the lure of another bright shiny object, take a look at yourself.  Answer the questions above.  Can you add or upgrade something in your existing business that will challenge and excite you again?  Do you have time to do it?  Will it be a worthwhile investment of your effort?  Are you willing to do the work?  If so, go for it.  If not, you may be struggling with this addiction for a very long time. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Follow Up

One of the biggest mistakes network marketers make is failing to follow up – with leads, with new customers, with past customers, and with inactive customers. Treating transactions as isolated events rather than a chain of interactions means you see your customers as commodities, and they will view you the same way. In this post, I’m going to address why you need to follow up with each of these categories:

  1. Following up with leads. You’ve got an inbox full of contact information from a promotion you posted on your website. You send out a generic informational email and ask them to contact you if interested. Now what? Well, if you’re like most network marketers, you’ll do nothing. That’s right – nothing! Most people seem to think their job is done when they have collected the names and sent out an email, but that one contact by itself may mean nothing. You need to actually continue to contact the names collected to try to convert them from a lead to a customer or business partner. Studies show it takes an average of 7 contacts before a person makes up their mind.  Don't be too aggressive.  But do stay in touch and continue to share the benefits of your business and your products.  
  2. Following up with new customers. The time when a little extra effort can make the biggest impact is right after a new customer has purchased with you. They may be feeling a little unsure of their purchase and hearing from you at this vulnerable time will definitely reassure them that they made the right decision. It’s also a perfect time to head off any problems or answer questions – and to see if they regret NOT purchasing something they were thinking about!
  3. Following up with past customers. Don’t assume that your customer will contact you directly when they run out of something or want to make another purchase. Most people are lazy and will just as easily buy from a competitor or from the mall or other retail shop if you don’t make the effort to contact them. More than one direct sales rep has lost a customer to the mall because they weren’t in front of the customer when a re-order or replacement was needed!
  4. Following up with inactive customers. If you haven’t heard from a previous customer for a while, don’t assume everything is okay, or that they would contact you if they needed something. Make the effort to phone them to see where they are. Do they need a new item? Are they unhappy with a previous purchase? Did they lose your number? Whatever the situation, you’re better off hearing from them directly than letting them die a slow death because you couldn’t be bothered to get back in touch.
Following up – and following up when you say you will – is a critical part of good direct sales. Many experts recommend the three days – three weeks – three months approach, following up at each of those intervals after the initial contact. While that’s a good rule of thumb, even better is working with your customers and your unique business to do what’s right for them and for you.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Know Your Customers

One of the benefits that small businesses – including direct salespeople – have over large, big-box retailers, is the ability to get to know your customers on a more intimate level. But to really use that relationship to maximize your profits, you need to go beyond first-name basis. You need to know them as a friend, and that takes work. Here’s how you can establish a relationship that pays big dividends:

  1. Make it authentic. It’s obvious when someone is being nice to you or expressing interest only to make a sale. That’s the last thing you want your customers to think, so your interest in them has to come from a place of true service. Yes, you’re hoping you’ll make money, but your real motivation needs to be one of service. Keep your eyes on their hearts, not on their wallets.
  2. Start a customer information file. Whether it’s a box of index cards you jot notes on, a computer program, or a binder, have a way to track your customers, what they order, and other pertinent information. At a minimum you should know their family members’ names, their birthday, and their contact information, as well as their preferred means of contact (mail, email, phone, etc.).
  3. Contact them regularly. Your customers should hear from you at a minimum of once a month. Any less, and they will forget about you. Depending on your business, you may find that a once-a-week schedule is preferable. That doesn’t mean you need to call all your customers every week! Your schedule might look like this:
    Week One – Phone call
    Week Two – Emailed newsletter with tips
    Week Three – Postcard reminder
    Week Four – Email announcement of special sale or product

    Many of these can be done in bulk, making it just as easy to send 100 as one. To make sure the information you send is welcome, make it useful. Tips, resources, savings, ways to use the products they already have… these are all wonderful options.
  4. Use product delivery to increase connection. If your business is one where you actually deliver product to your customer, you have one more opportunity to further your relationship. When your customer comes to pick up his or her order, or you swing by to drop it off, this is a great unstructured chance to get to know them better. There’s no stress because you’re not in the middle of a sales presentation, and you already know your customer likes you because they purchased from you! Use this opportunity to find out how the customer plans on using their purchases, what additional questions they have, and how your business fits into their overall life. If you visit their home, you may have the opportunity to meet their family and get a glimpse of their life. Take advantage of it!
Your customers are better than gold. Treat them that way, and you’ll enjoy the benefits of a positive relationship, both personally and professionally.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Build Your Network Marketing Business - Maximize Your Existing Customers

Sales experts know that selling to repeat customers is much more time- and effort-efficient than is getting new customers. And experienced network marketers know this, too. After all, what takes more effort: Scheduling and holding a product class or party, or taking reorders from existing customers?

For some reason, though, many network marketers overlook existing customers as a source of sales. Sure, they’ll take any repeat orders that come in, but they don’t actively mine this list for additional opportunities. Maybe it’s because booking a new party or class seems more exciting, or maybe because they think they’d be bugging people if they called. Whatever the reason, not looking to your existing customer base for sales is like not picking up a twenty-dollar bill on your front steps.
Here are some ways you can maximize your profits from your existing customers:

  • Ask for referrals. If you have a customer who orders from you again and again, ask for referrals. They obviously like your products and wouldn’t mind sharing their great find with their friends. Even if you have asked before, ask again. People are constantly getting introduced to new social circles, meeting new individuals, or realizing that someone they thought wouldn’t be interested now might be ready to give it a shot.
  • Ask for feedback. If you have a loyal customer, leverage the relationship by asking for their opinion on your presentation, products, or competitors. You might want to offer a small discount or free product for their assistance.
  • Tell them about the new stuff. Instead of just letting them put in their order every quarter for the same six items, introduce them to new products they may not have been aware of. Customers can fall into ruts, and it’s up to you to give them a jolt. Let them know what’s new, different, or better.
  • Offer preferred customer status. Many network marketing companies offer programs specifically for their “preferred” or high dollar-value customers. If your company offers such a program, take advantage of it! If there is no structured program, create your own. You can send long-time customers special promotions, product announcements, and news and tips particularly for them. It will make them feel special and give you another reason to contact them every month.
Your existing customers are the backbone of your business. Spend time finding ways to let them know they matter to you, and you’ll find that your efforts pay off handsomely

Sunday, November 29, 2015

The 3 Keys to Successful Branding

Guest post by Mary Eileen Williams
Branding is the most fundamental—yet often most difficult—aspect of building a business. The same is true for creating an online presence or conducting a job search. In each of these instances, the rules are basically the same. You have to precisely and powerfully describe (1) who you are (your core message, experience level, specialized training, etc.), (2) the skills and expertise you offer and (3) the ways you will outperform the competition.

These three elements comprise the foundation of your branding campaign. They also form the critical components of how you need to describe yourself to potential clients, customers or employers. Whether you are presenting yourself online, on paper or in person, clarity and consistency are essential to both your brand and to your ultimate impact on the marketplace.

Here are three important areas for you to consider as you formulate your own unique and compelling brand.

#1 In order to highlight your skills, accomplishments and distinguishing attributes to your best advantage, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is my core message? What do I want people to take away from meeting me?
  • In which ways will I outperform the competition?
  • What qualifications do I bring that will add real value to a customer, client or an organization?
  • Which talents/experiences/accomplishments make me unique?
  • Which of my skills will most attract clients or job recruiters for my line of work?
  • Am I making sure to highlight the results I have achieved for customers/former employer(s)?
  • Am I quantifying the results I have accomplished so that they form a compelling representation of the outcomes I am capable of achieving?
  • Am I highlighting the 5 areas that will attract future clients/employers with bottom-line results: saved money, saved time, increased revenue, made operations more efficient and/or enlarged customer base?
  • Am I presenting myself in contemporary terms that represent today's in-demand skills and industry buzzwords? (You can find these keywords by reviewing your competitors’ advertisements and/or perusing the job listings for your line of work.)
#2 Ensure you are presenting a unified brand that remains consistent across the various ways you are marketing yourself. Be certain to consider:
  • Your elevator pitch/brief introduction
  • Your professional profile (top third of your website, sales brochure or resume)
  • The background/summary statement on your LinkedIn profile
  • The way you introduce yourself in E-mail messages, outreach correspondence or cover letters, etc.
#3 Guarantee that both you and your branding materials have visual appeal, by asking yourself:

  • Am I exuding a combination of professionalism and personal warmth in my dress and manner?
  • Does my body language—posture, eye contact, handshake, and facial expressions—support my brand and what I am claiming about myself?   
  • Are my marketing materials—all online profiles, brochures, cover letters and business cards—pleasing to the eye and easy to read?
  • Am I incorporating the liberal use of white space and bullets so that my key qualifications and accomplishments are readily spotted within a 30-second scan?
  • Am I presenting my skills in order of importance in each of my documents? (You want to make certain that your most critical and in-demand skills appear at the top and to the left, thereby making them easily accessible at a glance.)

By addressing each of these three areas as you create or update your branding campaign, you will be sending a persuasive and consistent message. Moreover, knowing that you exude a powerful presence (both in-person and online) will give you the confidence and the energy that is certain to move you forward. A compelling brand, a little luck and the right attitude should go a long way to make you a sought-after, highly attractive business owner or job applicant. In every way, successful branding is your ultimate key to success!

Mary Eileen Williams has over twenty years’ of combined experience as a career and life transition counselor, job search specialist, university instructor and author. As a Nationally Board Certified Counselor with a Master's Degree in Career Development, she specializes in working with jobseekers in midlife, showing them the latest techniques for landing a job in the 21st Century.

Her recently updated book, Land the Job You Love: 10 Surefire Strategies for Jobseekers Over 50is packed with insider tips to teach baby boomers how to navigate today’s competitive job market. She has been quoted in Money Magazine, Market Watch, Kiplinger and additional international publications. Eileen also writes a job search column for the Huffington Post at Huff/Post 50..

Additionally, Eileen hosts a popular blog and radio show called “Feisty Side of Fifty."

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

History In The Making

If you can use a keyboard, you too can design a beautiful blog in 10 minutes.

LIVE DEMO: Look over our shoulder & be dazzled as we create & design a blog from scratch right before your eyes!

BONUS: Ray Higdon reveals LIVE his Top 10 crazy simple ways to create content for your blog.
If you feel you can’t “design” a blog because you’re not “tech-savvy,” or that you need to pay thousands of dollars to outsource your blog set-up & design, YOU ARE DEAD WRONG.

Let us prove it to you this Wednesday.

Trust me, you have never seen anything like what we’re about to do LIVE for you this Wednesday. History is in the making my friend… Watch it LIVE.

Are You Coachable?

If you are coachable... meaning, if I'm willing to leave my ego at the door and if I stop insisting I "know" the best way... and if I just trust the process and follow the damn instructions....

Man! That's asking for a LOT, right?
Especially if you ARE already having some measure of success and you ARE already producing a result.

In fact... and I'm just being honest here... I hate the idea of "being coachable".

But BEING COACHABLE is the only reason we are producing results today and even though I have been personally blogging since 2007... and have made lots of money blogging... I picked up Ray Higdon's new 7-FIGURE blogging course the other day...


* Because Ray did it FASTER.
* Ray did it without a track record.
* Ray invested a fortune to learn the BEST way.
So for me... it's all about being coachable now. (deep sigh).
Want to join me? Want to draw a line in the sand... and make 2016 THE pivotal year that changes everything?

Watch this FREE WEBINAR REPLAY and let's make it happen. ..

Happy Blogging!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Build Your Network Marketing Business - Learn Your Products

The only thing less inspiring than a ho-hum salesperson is one who doesn’t know the first thing about their products. If you want your customers to exchange their money for the products you sell, then you had better know everything there is to know about what you’re selling.  Customers have individual concerns, and if you are touting yourself as their personal “consultant,” you’d better know what you’re talking about!

-Is it allergen-free?
-Will it rust?
-Will it work with X product that you sell?

-How does it compare to (Insert leading brand here)?

You need to know the answers to these questions and more. Why? Because the more you know, the more you can tailor your responses to the customer’s needs, and the better you’re able to recommend something that will actually work for that customer.
Here’s how to begin your product education:

  • Ask your upline or trainer what the most common questions are. Then research answers and practice them.

  • Keep track of the questions you get. Keep a running list of the questions your customers ask, and write out questions. Not only is this a great cheat sheet, it’s also wonderful training information for your downline.

  • Read everything the company gives you. Then read it again. And again. It takes a while for information to sink in, and you will pick up on nuances as you re-read and your bottom-line knowledge level grows.

  • Say “I’ll find out for you” instead of “I don’t know.” Then follow through!

  • Educate others. Sometimes the best way to cement information in your mind is through teaching others. When you learn a new fact, use it.

  • Never stop learning. Product ingredients and formulations change, and new products are released. You never “know it all,” so keep learning.

  • Put your knowledge to work. Explain why you’re recommending a particular product to a particular customer. For example, “I recommend you opt for the medical plastic model rather than the stainless steel. You said this would be used by your children, and if they are going to use it, the plastic allows them to squeeze the bottle, making it easier to drink.” Your customers will appreciate how you make the link between the product information and their situation.
Knowing your products inside and out doesn’t mean boring customers with tons of facts and details in your presentation. It does mean pulling out the knowledge you need, when you need it – and that’s usually to make your customer’s life better in some way.


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Success Stories - Meet Steve Abshier!

I just love how the internet brings people together.  I met today's Success Story through an introduction from Sue Blumenfeld, another Success Story subject.  I first met Sue on Twitter.  Since then, Steve and I have become quite the Twitter peeps!  What is amazing is that both of these wonderful folks live right here in my neighborhood and yet I would probably never have met either of them if not for being an active Tweeter!  Now I get to share him with you.  Meet Steve Abshier!.
1.  Steve, tell us about yourself.
I am a native of NWA, born in Springdale and went to high school in Rogers. After working in security for a while I worked at the Benton County Sheriff’s Office as a jailer then I moved to Gentry, AR and became a police officer. Then, in 1985 I went to work for my father building custom homes in the Rocky Branch area of Benton County.
2. Tell us about Abshier Construction
Abshier Construction is a third generation business. We have been in business for over 50 years and are very proud that we are still able to serve Northwest Arkansas. We only do custom work, building custom homes, custom remodeling and additions. We also build decks and do renovations as requested by homeowners.
3. Why did you start your own business?
I took over the business when my dad retired and was given the task of continuing the same  quality, honesty and professional standards that my grandfather and father had established since the early 60s.
4. Why did you decide to go into construction?  Isn’t that somewhat seasonal?
When I first got out of school, construction was not in my plans. But as it turned out, I think that is where I was meant to be. I enjoy the people I meet, the projects we work on and the outcome of a project we can all be proud of.  There are times when the work is slow due to weather, but normally we are not slowed down too much.
5. What do you like most and least about being your own boss?
I read somewhere that being you own boss meant you only had to work a half day, you just have to decide what part of the day you want to put in your 12 hours. I do like some of the flexibility of scheduling and the opportunity’s that arise. Being the one to work with the customers and help them realize their dream on a new project or the changes made on a remodel is very rewarding.
6. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
In this business it is important to be able to listen to your customer and make sure you both have the same understanding of what is to be done. I also think being able to react to a situation in a calm and thoughtful way can make all the difference in the relationship between you, your customer, employees, and sub-contractors. Things will go wrong at times and as business owner it is up to you to get things worked out to everyone’s satisfaction.
7. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
When I first took over the business, my father and grandfather had never done any type of advertisement. Word of mouth and our referrals from our customers had always been enough. When the economy crashed there was a lot less work to go around and I had to learn a lot real fast about getting our name and message out to the public. Since that time, things have improved greatly, with the help of the advertising and the continued referrals work has steadily increased.
8.  Do you have any resources that you have used to build your business that you would recommend?  
Some of my greatest resources are my employees and sub-contractors. We all work together to make sure our projects are completed properly. Most contractors are not licensed in all the fields and it is not feasible to keep up with all the changes. Everyone working together using their knowledge and experience to complete a project is what it takes to build your business and reputation.
I have found a lot of help through the Home Builders Association, local chambers, and from my peers.
9. Do you have any tips to share on promoting yourself?

When I was scrambling to get our name out I joined the Rogers and Bentonville Chambers and attended as many functions as I could. I also got more involved with the Northwest Arkansas Home Builders Association. We have always built custom homes and did custom remodels and additions. With the slowdown in the industry more people were doing remodels and addition. During this time I was a founding member and president for 3 years of the NWA Homebuilders remodeling council.
10. What other advice would like to share with someone starting their own business?
Join and be involved with groups that represent your industry. Always seek more education opportunities in your profession. In my case I have received certifications from the National Association of Home builders for: Certified Graduate Builder, Certified Graduate Remodeler, Certified Aging in Place Specialist (ADA) and Certified Green Professional. Do not forget the internet and social media platforms, they are cheap and a good way to get information about yourself and your company to people who are looking for your service.
11. How can we contact you to learn more about your products and services?  
Cell 479-640-0518

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The Instagram Engagement Formula

Guest post by network marketer and Instagram expert, Robin Smith
Instagram is HOT! There are over 400 million people from around the world on Instagram. 49% of users log in daily. 28% of users log in multiple times a day. And on average 70 million images are posted daily.

So if you think you’re ideal customer or client isn’t just waiting for your picture to show up on their feed, you are dead wrong!

Last year I started marketing on Instagram. And now it accounts for about 90% of my leads and sales for my business.

I have created what I call the 5-5-5 Instagram Engagement Formula. Here it is:

Grab yourself a timer…

Spend 5 minutes going through your followers and engaging on their pictures. Simply like 3 images and leave 1 relevant comment (and be sure to tag their username by using @username so they get a notification) for each follower. Just be random. Think of this step as a warm up. Plus the benefit is, if they haven’t checked out your profile recently, now they will.

Spend the next 5 minutes by doing a search for a hashtag your ideal client or customer would use in their post. Then quickly scroll down the results and click like for each image. You will be shocked how many images you can like in 5 minutes.

Finally, spend the last 5 minutes by doing a search for a different hashtag your ideal client or customer would use in their posts. Then like 3 of their images and leave 1 relevant comment (with their username acknowledged) on people you do not follow. They will see this, check our your profile, interact on your images and follow you.

Simple right?

If you have more time, you can always repeat.

If you do this daily, (it only takes 15 minutes) you’ll be amazed how quickly your following and engagement will go up on each post.

If you liked this tip, and want to know the secrets to Instagram Marketing success? Come join the #NovInstaParty for 14 days full of Instagram trainings.

Hi, I’m Robin Smith. I started in Network Marketing back in 2007. I had absolutely no experience at marketing. My background was in biology. I tried everything, cold calling people who have never heard of me, buying leads thinking that they would all sign up, posting fliers about my local event, even spamming Facebook and Twitter with my opportunity. I found successes, but it just never felt right with me. That was until last year when I started marketing on Instagram. Suddenly my introverted and my creative sides felt in harmony. So now just a year later, 90% of my daily leads and sales come from Instagram. I can be found @RobinSmith2007 on Instagram, and my blog is

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Take a Tip from the Grocery Store

Every week, thousands of grocery stores across the country send out their store flyers with some unbelievable deals. Toothpaste for $.99. Cleaning supplies for a fraction of their value. Tuna for pennies. When you see these unbelievable sales, you may be asking yourself, “How do they make money selling at these prices?”

The answer is, they don’t. These items are called “loss leaders.” The store actually loses money on the sale of these particular items. They sell them at these ridiculous prices as a lure to pull shoppers into the store, knowing that once they’re there, they won’t just buy four cans of tuna for $1; they’ll pick up mayonnaise, pickles, relish, and a dozen other items that will allow the store to more than make up for the deficit from the tuna. 
As mentioned earlier, the first “yes” is the toughest. Once someone’s going through the hassle of driving to the store, standing in line, and paying, they may as well pick up a few more things to make the trip worthwhile. The same is true for your business. If you can get a customer to open his or her wallet with an unbelievable deal, you have a good chance of expanding the order.

This is different from an add-on sale, because you’re using a really low price initially to get the customer into your “store.” So the related products you present don’t need to follow the same guidelines they would for an add-on sale. Instead, keep these hints in mind:

  1. The initial “loss leader” needs to be jaw-droppingly great. 10% or even 25% off is not going to cut it, unless the total cost reduction is huge, or it’s on an item that NEVER goes on sale. Reductions of at least 50% are usually the strongest lure.
  2. Choose an item that might be better used in conjunction with something else. For instance, reduce the price of a particular shade of foundation to 50%, and then encourage the purchase of a set of brushes or the compact to hold it in.
  3. Use add-on sales for loss-leaders. The principles you learned in the previous section on add-on sales can be used for loss leaders, too! The hot dogs are half off, but of course you need buns to go with them…
  4. Select a loss leader that ensures you repeat business. Refillable items are great because once the customer has invested in the original package, they’ve got it sitting their in their garage, bathroom, or kitchen counter, just begging to be refilled.
  5. Don’t do it too often. A monthly special is great, as are seasonal items. But if you offer too many loss leaders, or put things on sale too often, people will just wait for it to go to half off before they buy.
Grocery stores spend millions on analyzing customer behavior. Piggy-back on their research and use some of their hard-won strategies for your own.


Friday, October 23, 2015

Master the Art of Add-On Sales

If you head out for dinner with your family, the waiter or waitress will almost always ask you, “Can I get you an appetizer to start?” Then when you finish your meal, they’ll close with, “Would you like to look at our dessert menu?” They’re not just being polite or angling for a bigger tip. They’re doing something that in big business makes for big profit; they’re working for an add-on sale.

An add-on sale is an additional item that is added to the customer’s order in addition to the main purchase. If you buy a barbeque, the man at the hardware store may ask if you need a grill brush, cover, or extra kerosene. If you buy a new car, you’re asked about an upgraded stereo, floor mats, or a luggage rack. If you buy a cruise, you’re asked about trip insurance or shore excursions. All add-on sales!
Waiters, waitresses, travel advisors, and pretty much anyone in retail knows the truth: It’s the first sale that’s the hardest. Once the customer has agreed to buy, it’s much easier to get a “yes” on any subsequent purchase. But there are some guidelines to increase the likelihood of making the add-on sale:

  1. Make it a related product. When someone buys a new car, they’re not asked if they want a bag of charcoal. When someone purchases a new sofa, they’re offered pillows or Scotch-guarding, not a new mattress. The add-on item should be complementary to the original purchase.
  2. Make it smaller. Add-ons are typically less expensive than the original purchase. Research has shown that if someone is buying a large item (like a suit), then the cost of the smaller item (like a dress shirt or tie) seems almost negligible in comparison. If someone has just bought a mascara for $7 and you ask them if they want a skin care set priced at over $100, they’re going to look at you like you’re nuts. But in the reverse order, it makes sense.
  3. Make the offer at the right time. If you offer the add-on item before the customer has decided to purchase the original item, you may be seen as too pushy and they may back out of the deal altogether. Conversely, if you offer an additional item after they’ve already paid for the original item, you’ve probably missed the boat. The sweet spot is when they’ve made up their mind to buy and they haven’t yet signed the credit card slip.
Offering a complementary item to your customers should become second nature to you. Sometimes it will work, sometimes it won’t. But each additional sale you achieve adds to your profit.