Would you like to come hang out with me and work on a fun project during the holidays?
It won't cost you a dime to participate and you can make some fun money and even earn some awesome prizes.
You probably know that I am an affiliate for My Lead System Pro (and if you don't I'm not sure how you could have missed that tidbit of info 😁). Well starting next week, they are running an incredible Attraction Marketing Online Summit featuring pretty much every major player in the space.
The Summit is absolutely free to give away and watch but of course attendees will be exposed to some pretty cool deals on products that they can get if they want to.
Affiliates earn 50% on Summit recordings and 30% on all other purchases.
So people who get to work now and have some cool training from me stand a chance to make some nice cash and win part of the $20,000 in prizes they are giving away.
You DO NOT need to be an MLSP member to play.
You just need to be an MLSP affiliate which is completely free!
(Most people won't tell you that...but I WILL!)
So if you want to become a free affiliate and come hang out with me while I show you how I work this puppy, let me know!
Register here....
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Tiny Changes Lead To Big Results - Meet Lisa King!
Tiny changes lead to big results. I am living proof of that! The tiny changes I have been making in my marketing have led to some major results. And one of those is growth in my online circle of friends. Friends like Lisa King, who lives to teach others how tiny changes in their lives can yield huge results in their overall health and fitness. Want to know more? Great! Meet Lisa King!
I am truly passionate about disease prevention not only because of my family’s cancer diagnosis, but also because of Alzheimer and heart disease that have both been diagnosed in our family.
I became very adept at fitting my business in the nooks and crannies of my life.
I work full time and that has been the hardest part of having a secondary stream of income. There aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything that I want to accomplish. My advice would be to make every second count. The carpool lane and your drive commute can be your best friend. Make your phone calls to your clients in the car, while folding laundry, making dinner or whenever you can! Many times there will not be a perfect moment to make the call so make the call any time that you can! I heard a saying once that has always stuck with me to have a FAB life. When your life is full, abundant and busy with good and purposeful things then you will never feel busy. So while your day may be very full with adding a business into your life, it should be an addition that makes your life FAB- ulous!
Social media is just that! It is social and a great way to connect and network with others. However; it is much more than just posting pictures of products. That is why I suggest taking a class or being mentored by someone who has already built a successful business online.
An affirmation that I say all of the time is “The people I am looking for are already looking for me.” Do not be afraid to share information with others and assist them in a solution to their problem. They may or may not be receptive to you and that is OK! The people who you are looking for are looking for you! When you have a positive attitude and are confident in the knowledge that you have on your product, people will be attracted to you in your area of expertise. Do not be afraid to shine your light! If you have knowledge on a solution to a problem and you are withholding it then you are actually doing a disservice to those around you. Give value added information and potential clients will be attracted to doing business with you!
1. Lisa, tell us about yourself.
My name is Lisa King. I married my high
school sweetheart and together we have three sons. Our family is growing as our
older boys are recently married and soon to be married. I am happy to have some
girls joining our family! I have been a pharmacist for nearly 30 years. I truly
love empowering others to live a healthier lifestyle whether I am in the
pharmacy or out. I have a beauty and
wellness business where I share information with others on reducing toxins in
their skin care and also living a healthier lifestyle. I believe in an
integrated approach to beauty and wellness. What you put on your skin is as
important as what you put in your body.
2. Tell us
about your business
I empower others to make tiny changes in their daily routine that lead
to big results in better health. I have seen in my own pharmacy practice and
through my own personal experiences that many people can be overwhelmed by
change. Breaking goals down into smaller steps and taking the next best step
leads to eventually reaching your goal when you keep moving forward. I also
believe that positive thoughts are what are needed to attract more positivity
in your life and lead the life that you desire.
3. Tell us about your book
These ideas lead me to
collaborate on my new book with my sister who is a breast cancer survivor and
life coach. Tiny Life Changes is a guide to achieving your goals and dreams one
step and one day at a time.
4. Why did
you start your own business?
I did not intentionally start a beauty and
wellness business. I was using pure and safe beauty products for years due to
my family history of breast cancer. When I became a consultant for my company,
I started sharing the information about these products with my friends. They
were so receptive to making changes in their own lives that a business quickly
blossomed for me. I soon started learning more and more about health and
sharing this information with those around me.
5. How did
you choose this particular niche?
6. What do
you like most and least about being your own boss?
I love having a second stream
of income and knowing that income stream is a blessing to my family. I have met
so many wonderful people through my business and this really keeps me feeling
fulfilled. I have also been personally involved in giving tens of thousands of
dollars of health products to charities through grants for those charities.
7. What
personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
When you start your own
business, determination is an absolute must. If you are truly passionate about
what you are doing you will find a way. Otherwise, you will find an excuse.
8. What has
been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
9. Do you have any resources that you have used
to build your business that you would recommend?
I would highly recommend taking a class on line to learn how to properly share business information on social media.
10. Do you have
any tips to share on promoting yourself?
Since I work full time, last year I added a new component to my
business. I started sharing information on social media so I could reach even
more people without having to be gone from my home additional evenings of the
week. As a pharmacist, I am already gone several nights a week from my family.
I absolutely love sharing health information on social media. You can find me
on Facebook and Instagram as The Fulfilled Pharmacist.
11. What
other advice would you like to share with someone starting their own business?
Social media is just that! It is social and a great way to connect and network with others. However; it is much more than just posting pictures of products. That is why I suggest taking a class or being mentored by someone who has already built a successful business online.
An affirmation that I say all of the time is “The people I am looking for are already looking for me.” Do not be afraid to share information with others and assist them in a solution to their problem. They may or may not be receptive to you and that is OK! The people who you are looking for are looking for you! When you have a positive attitude and are confident in the knowledge that you have on your product, people will be attracted to you in your area of expertise. Do not be afraid to shine your light! If you have knowledge on a solution to a problem and you are withholding it then you are actually doing a disservice to those around you. Give value added information and potential clients will be attracted to doing business with you!
12. How can
we contact you to learn more about your products and services?
You can learn more about the
beauty and wellness products that will make you look fantastic and feel amazing
at lisaking.arbonne.com
You can learn more about
achieving your goals and dreams at tinylifechanges.com
13. Is
there anything else you would like to share?
While I did not initially intend to start a beauty and wellness business, it is one of the best decisions that I have ever made. I’m very happy that I did. I would recommend you building a business and living the life of your dreams too!
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Making Soap...How My Hobby Became My Business by The Lemon Cat
I love being able to help members of my Facebook group, Ninja Marketers, practice the skills they are learning. Especially their blogging skills! My blog is an excellent platform for them to take their first foray into this form of marketing. So please take a moment to read this month's guest post from The Lemon Cat. She makes the most wonderful all-natural soaps! And she has turned that skill into a thriving business. Learn how she did it. Then take a look at some of your own hobbies. Is there an income stream among them?
And when you're all done with that...buy some soap! I promise you will love it!
Guest post by The Lemon Cat
The Lemon Cat Soap Shop has now been in business for over 5 years and I am pleased with the progress. After developing an interest in soap making, my journey began with leaning about this subject, making a lot of soap and supplying everyone I knew with enough soap to last them a lifetime!
The next step was the business side of it all and my decision was to design my own web shop. So now my product had a name and a logo, perfected recipes for different types of soap, a dabbling of my crafts, a Facebook page and a web shop up and operating.
The following business tip has worked well for The Lemon Cat Soap Shop: no matter how large or small your business is, giving back is important - not only for you, but to the recipients, as well. Anyplace that needs a helping hand, just find out what calls to you (Civic Clubs, Non Profits, etc.) and when they have events, give them items from your business to raffle or auction off. Not only does it help them with their fundraising, but it helps you get your name "out there". You never know where your next customer could come from! The Lemon Cat Soap Shop donates soap to fundraisers (online and on site) that help animals. It's a win/win all the way around.
In addition to my web shop, The Lemon Cat Soap is available for sale in local “brick & mortar” shops, along with craft fairs and vendor shows. Another way to reach possible new customers is to give away samples of your product (with attached business information). I include soap samples in my sales packages for the customer to try and sometimes they pass those samples along to their friends and family. Craft shows and also doing a bit of ol fashion door-to-door introductions in town is another way to get your samples in your future customer’s hands.
Another important aspect of growing is continual learning. The marketing part of my business was the hardest part for me, so I was pleased to find a person like Melodieann Whiteley. She is easy to understand, trustworthy, experienced and seems to always have the right advice for my particular business and helps me to continue to grow. Thank you, Melodieann.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Mailing Lists for Network Marketers

To begin your mailing list, you
need three things:
- A mailing list provider
- An incentive
- An opt-in form
Mailing List Providers
You’ll find dozens of options
for building your list, and while they all allow you to collect email addresses
and send mail, they can vary widely in features and price. Do your research
before choosing, and keep these points in mind:
- Read the terms of service or you may end up in trouble later. For example, everyone’s favorite free mailing list, MailChimp, will cancel your account and delete your addresses without warning if they feel you’re engaging in affiliate marketing, which they consider to be scammy.
- If you’re in the US, you must comply with the CAN-SPAM act, which requires a way for email recipients to unsubscribe from your mailing list. In addition, you must provide a physical address. For most of us, that means renting a PO box so as not to have to use our real address. CAN-SPAM also means you cannot use your personal email account to send mass unsolicited emails.
- Make sure your email service has an easy way to create an opt-in form, because you’ll need to add that to your website. One of the best is AWeber’s form builder, which comes with dozens of pre-loaded forms to choose from.
- Don’t make the all-too-common mistake of choosing a cheap/free provider now, thinking you’ll upgrade later, when you can afford it. Moving a mailing list is nearly impossible. You’ll be far better off to find the money to pay for your list up front. AWeber is less than $20 per month to get started, so it’s not too much of a stretch for most people.
Your Opt-In Incentive
While it would be nice if you
could simply add a form to your sidebar and people would opt-in, you generally
have to give them a little more encouragement than that. One way is to offer a
“gift” in exchange for their email address.
Your gift might be a short
report, a video, an audio recording, or even a coupon they can use toward your
services. If you choose to create a report or other information product, make
sure it is of interest to your ideal client. After all, those are the people
you want on your mailing list, right?
Once you’ve created your
incentive, all that remains is to add a form to your site. Most mailing list
providers offer the option to create a simple form within their interface. From
there it’s generally just a matter of copying the HTML or javascript code from
your provider into your sidebar. In WordPress, that means just dragging a text
widget to the appropriate place and pasting your code inside it.
Staying in Touch
While proper email frequency
and etiquette is a bit outside the scope of this report, we should note here
that it’s important to actually email your list from time to time. Tell them
about things of interest to them. Share what’s happening in your industry. Let
them know about updates to services and software they might be using.
And of course, tell them about
your products, services, and business opportunity and how you can help them.
Remember, they opted in. They
are expecting to hear from you.
Pssst.....if you think you need a HUGE email list to make money online, you're in for a shock. If you can build a list of 100 subscribers, you can make money. Learn how here.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
We Were Made To Live In Abundance
It's a question I hear all the time. "I thought you were a Christian. Why are you always talking about growing your business? Aren't you supposed to live in poverty?"
Absolutely not! We were made to live in abundance and prosperity. And I'm not going to get into a teaching of Scripture here. Let's just say if you want to go read the Bible, there are plenty of passages about abundance throughout.
We are supposed to be blessings in the world. And let's be real. It's hard to be a blessing to anyone when you are poor. If you feel called to be a doctor but you can't afford college and medical school, that's a problem. If you feel that you should foster children, that's hard to do if you can't afford to care for them. If your work is to feed the hungry, it's hard to support the charities that make this possible without money.
Everything in our society today takes money. Healthcare is expensive. Food is expensive. Homes are expensive. And so, yes, I talk a great deal about building your business and making money. Because my family and I require all of those things and more to live to our fullest potential. And I want to help others have them to - which takes money in order for me to have the tools necessary to reach and teach them.
And since I am passionate - called if you will - to help others fulfill their missions, it stands to reason that I am made to live in abundance.
I don't make any pretenses about it either. My goal with my business is to make as much money as possible. I need healthcare for my husband. I want all 7 grandchildren to go to college and not graduate with a mountain of debt.
I want to start a group home for foster children that have aged out of the system and have no place to go. I want to help ensure that no child ever goes to bed hungry. I want everyone to be able to live up to their full potential and use the gifts they were given to help make this world a place that is safe and prosperous for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Lofty goals? Perhaps. But with money, I can make a start.
So yes, I want to be rich. Because I cannot fulfill any of these goals without the necessary tools to do so. Healthcare costs money and I want the best for my husband. College gets more expensive every year and I want my grandchildren to be able to go where they wish to get the education they need to fulfill their purpose.
It will take money to remodel my home or purchase another property to turn into a group home. And even more money to furnish it and pay daily expenses and so forth. I already support a charity devoted to ending childhood hunger. But think how much more they could do if I - and everyone who supports them - could double or even triple our contributions! Which is why I work so hard to help others build abundant lives. But how many more could I reach if I could afford more tools, better tools, more help?
I was given the gift of being able to communicate and connect with people. And I would be a failure if I did not use that gift to do the most good. This is what I was meant to do. And in doing it I become successful. But it takes money. And so to become what I was meant to be, I will need to be rich. And there is nothing wrong with that! In fact, I believe that if I didn't do what God had called me to do and prepared me to do and gifted me to do, I would be derelict in my duty to Him.
So why am I going on this crusade today? Because I am tired of people using the "nobility in poverty" excuse for their failure. I am done watching people tear down those that are trying to better themselves as if there is something wrong with that. I have had enough!
I am also fed up with those who purport to help others but in reality all they are helping is themselves. I am not going into details here, but you know who you are. You are the ones who keep promising the next breakthrough is right around the corner, if only you can pay just a little bit more. The ones who teach that it's okay to leave your integrity at the door when it comes to your business. After all, it's not like you're really hurting anyone. The ones who keep quiet when they know things aren't right but they don't want to jeopardize their own cushy set-up. Yes, we were made to be abundant but not at the expense of others.
If you want the best possible life for your family, it's time. If you feel called to do something with your life but don't know how to get there, it's time.
If you've been trying to grow in abundance but deep inside you feel it's not supposed to be, I'm here to tell you, YOU ARE WRONG! So let's work together to get past that mindset of lack.
If you've been listening to all the naysayers tell you that money is the root of all evil, remind them that the correct proverb is "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." Then dump those negative nellies and surround yourself with people who love and support you in your growth.
And if you are experiencing some success but in your heart you know you are not acting with integrity, then it's time to stop and look at what you are doing.
You've read my passions. What I am called to do. What are yours? And how can I help you live them? Share in the comments.
Absolutely not! We were made to live in abundance and prosperity. And I'm not going to get into a teaching of Scripture here. Let's just say if you want to go read the Bible, there are plenty of passages about abundance throughout.
We are supposed to be blessings in the world. And let's be real. It's hard to be a blessing to anyone when you are poor. If you feel called to be a doctor but you can't afford college and medical school, that's a problem. If you feel that you should foster children, that's hard to do if you can't afford to care for them. If your work is to feed the hungry, it's hard to support the charities that make this possible without money.
Everything in our society today takes money. Healthcare is expensive. Food is expensive. Homes are expensive. And so, yes, I talk a great deal about building your business and making money. Because my family and I require all of those things and more to live to our fullest potential. And I want to help others have them to - which takes money in order for me to have the tools necessary to reach and teach them.
And since I am passionate - called if you will - to help others fulfill their missions, it stands to reason that I am made to live in abundance.
I don't make any pretenses about it either. My goal with my business is to make as much money as possible. I need healthcare for my husband. I want all 7 grandchildren to go to college and not graduate with a mountain of debt.
I want to start a group home for foster children that have aged out of the system and have no place to go. I want to help ensure that no child ever goes to bed hungry. I want everyone to be able to live up to their full potential and use the gifts they were given to help make this world a place that is safe and prosperous for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Lofty goals? Perhaps. But with money, I can make a start.
So yes, I want to be rich. Because I cannot fulfill any of these goals without the necessary tools to do so. Healthcare costs money and I want the best for my husband. College gets more expensive every year and I want my grandchildren to be able to go where they wish to get the education they need to fulfill their purpose.
It will take money to remodel my home or purchase another property to turn into a group home. And even more money to furnish it and pay daily expenses and so forth. I already support a charity devoted to ending childhood hunger. But think how much more they could do if I - and everyone who supports them - could double or even triple our contributions! Which is why I work so hard to help others build abundant lives. But how many more could I reach if I could afford more tools, better tools, more help?
I was given the gift of being able to communicate and connect with people. And I would be a failure if I did not use that gift to do the most good. This is what I was meant to do. And in doing it I become successful. But it takes money. And so to become what I was meant to be, I will need to be rich. And there is nothing wrong with that! In fact, I believe that if I didn't do what God had called me to do and prepared me to do and gifted me to do, I would be derelict in my duty to Him.
So why am I going on this crusade today? Because I am tired of people using the "nobility in poverty" excuse for their failure. I am done watching people tear down those that are trying to better themselves as if there is something wrong with that. I have had enough!
I am also fed up with those who purport to help others but in reality all they are helping is themselves. I am not going into details here, but you know who you are. You are the ones who keep promising the next breakthrough is right around the corner, if only you can pay just a little bit more. The ones who teach that it's okay to leave your integrity at the door when it comes to your business. After all, it's not like you're really hurting anyone. The ones who keep quiet when they know things aren't right but they don't want to jeopardize their own cushy set-up. Yes, we were made to be abundant but not at the expense of others.
If you want the best possible life for your family, it's time. If you feel called to do something with your life but don't know how to get there, it's time.
If you've been trying to grow in abundance but deep inside you feel it's not supposed to be, I'm here to tell you, YOU ARE WRONG! So let's work together to get past that mindset of lack.
If you've been listening to all the naysayers tell you that money is the root of all evil, remind them that the correct proverb is "The LOVE of money is the root of all evil." Then dump those negative nellies and surround yourself with people who love and support you in your growth.
And if you are experiencing some success but in your heart you know you are not acting with integrity, then it's time to stop and look at what you are doing.
You've read my passions. What I am called to do. What are yours? And how can I help you live them? Share in the comments.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
This Too Shall Pass
My grandma had a saying whenever one of us was going through a difficult time. "This too shall pass." And even though at the time we sometimes doubted, it turns out grandma was right. The situation always changed.
I have found myself repeating that phrase many times in my life. Especially as an entrepreneur. Business slow? It will pass. Difficult client? It will pass. Team members dropping like flies? Yes, even that will pass. Technology issues, impossible deadlines, short on cash, doubtful family and friends, health concerns, fallout from doing something when you knew better (😐) - all this will (and did) pass.
Things aren't suddenly going to be all rainbows and unicorns just because you have decided to pursue your passion and become an entrepreneur. There will be good days. There will even be great days. But there will also be bad days. But you will get through them. This too shall pass.
The trick is to know that bad days will come and to be ready.
Now some crises really aren't. They are just imagined. And when that happens you need to take time to get your mindset straight. That's why it is so important to surround yourself with a group of people who will lift you up and support you while you are struggling with your doubt and fear. I know what it's like. Why would anyone listen to me? I'm just a poor girl from the wrong side of a small town from nowhere. When those feelings hit, my support circle quickly pointed out how wrong that thinking was. And it passed. And became less frequent as I realized I did have something to share that people wanted to hear.
Tip #1 - surround yourself with the right kind of people. The ones who will lift you up when need it - and who will give you a swift kick when you need that.
Some crises seem worse at the time than they really are. Your business will experience many little bumps in the road. Don't panic! Actions taken in panic mode will often only make things worse. Assess the situation and determine if you need to take action or if you simply need to wait it out. If action is required, look at all options before making any decisions. If you're unsure, find a trusted mentor or coach and ask their opinion.
Tip #2 - Never make a decision out of fear or panic. Look at all of your options. Get help from a mentor or coach. Remember that sometimes doing nothing really is the best choice!
Of course, there will always be the chance that something will go horribly wrong with your business. When that happens the steps are pretty much the same as for minor crises. Don't panic. Assess the situation. Look at all your options. Take the necessary action.
Many major crises can be averted simply by reviewing what is happening in your business and in your industry and adjusting as necessary.
Tip #3 - Be proactive not reactive. Know your numbers (income, outflow, etc). Periodically review your business and make any adjustments necessary to keep on track. Keep current with your industry but be careful not to jump on every new trend that comes along. Make sure it's right for you and your business before you do.
These three tips will help you over the daily hurdles that come with running a business. But when all else fails, just remember what grandma said. This too shall pass!
I have found myself repeating that phrase many times in my life. Especially as an entrepreneur. Business slow? It will pass. Difficult client? It will pass. Team members dropping like flies? Yes, even that will pass. Technology issues, impossible deadlines, short on cash, doubtful family and friends, health concerns, fallout from doing something when you knew better (😐) - all this will (and did) pass.
Things aren't suddenly going to be all rainbows and unicorns just because you have decided to pursue your passion and become an entrepreneur. There will be good days. There will even be great days. But there will also be bad days. But you will get through them. This too shall pass.
The trick is to know that bad days will come and to be ready.
Now some crises really aren't. They are just imagined. And when that happens you need to take time to get your mindset straight. That's why it is so important to surround yourself with a group of people who will lift you up and support you while you are struggling with your doubt and fear. I know what it's like. Why would anyone listen to me? I'm just a poor girl from the wrong side of a small town from nowhere. When those feelings hit, my support circle quickly pointed out how wrong that thinking was. And it passed. And became less frequent as I realized I did have something to share that people wanted to hear.
Tip #1 - surround yourself with the right kind of people. The ones who will lift you up when need it - and who will give you a swift kick when you need that.
Some crises seem worse at the time than they really are. Your business will experience many little bumps in the road. Don't panic! Actions taken in panic mode will often only make things worse. Assess the situation and determine if you need to take action or if you simply need to wait it out. If action is required, look at all options before making any decisions. If you're unsure, find a trusted mentor or coach and ask their opinion.
Tip #2 - Never make a decision out of fear or panic. Look at all of your options. Get help from a mentor or coach. Remember that sometimes doing nothing really is the best choice!
Of course, there will always be the chance that something will go horribly wrong with your business. When that happens the steps are pretty much the same as for minor crises. Don't panic. Assess the situation. Look at all your options. Take the necessary action.
Many major crises can be averted simply by reviewing what is happening in your business and in your industry and adjusting as necessary.
Tip #3 - Be proactive not reactive. Know your numbers (income, outflow, etc). Periodically review your business and make any adjustments necessary to keep on track. Keep current with your industry but be careful not to jump on every new trend that comes along. Make sure it's right for you and your business before you do.
These three tips will help you over the daily hurdles that come with running a business. But when all else fails, just remember what grandma said. This too shall pass!
Monday, October 23, 2017
Don't Waste a Minute!
No more excuses! With all the resources available today, if you are not where you want to be - in your life or your business - it is probably your own fault.
Yes! I dared to say that! With today's technology, you have access to the combined knowledge of hundreds - maybe even thousands - of the best minds in the business (no matter what business you're in). And that same technology allows you to perform most of the tasks related to your business with an ease never before experienced. It gives the marketer working from his bedroom the same global reach as even some of the largest companies.
Network marketing is not hard. Business in general is not hard. Most of the obstacles we find along the way are actually of our own creation. (Yup! I said it again. It's your own fault).
I know. There's a lot of conflicting advice out there about building your business. Why is that? Well, what works for me and what I'm comfortable with may be very different than what works for you. I hate cold calls. In fact, I hate the telephone in general. And so all the advice out there on this topic is a waste of my time. I do the bare minimum necessary. But I have a friend and team member who LOVES the phone. I think one day we may have to have it surgically removed from her ear! I tried to teach her how to build her list and how to blog. And she hated every minute of it. So how do you sort through all of the information out there to find what works? Well, first, look for what feels right to you. Focus on your strengths and make them stronger. We all need to learn new skills. I may learn to perfect my phone technique one day. But right now I prefer to write. And it works for me. So I'm taking coaching and training in copywriting and blogging. My friend is perfecting Facebook Live and video. Because she likes to talk. Both methods work, as long as they are being used by the right person.
I've been told that I need to "get with the times" and do more video. And maybe someday I will. But that's your belief. I'm doing fine right now with my own DMO (daily method of operations *smile*).
"But not everyone believes in network marketing. They won't listen. They think I'm a fraud!" Ok. Some will. Some won't. Who cares? Work with the ones that do. Ignore the rest.
You can do this! I know you can. You have the power within you to live your life on your terms. Many of you won't and that's sad. But some of you want something more. Go get it!
I have a small group of friends. We call ourselves the Ninja Marketers. Our sole purpose is to share our skills and knowledge with others in the business and to support and motivate each other. We are a team. When one of us succeeds, we all succeed.
Find your Ninjas. And if you can't, you are welcome to come and hang out with us. Either way, find others who share your vision and work together to live your dreams.
Don't waste another minute! Get up right now and do something - anything - to get your business back on track, to build the life you want to live, to move closer to your goals. If you don't have goals, write some! I have a blog post about that! Then take MASSIVE action - to COMPLETION - to achieve them. And yes, I have a blog post on that too.
It's time. If you truly want to live the life you were meant to, the life you dream of, then stop making excuses. As Henry C. Link stated, ""While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior."
Yes! I dared to say that! With today's technology, you have access to the combined knowledge of hundreds - maybe even thousands - of the best minds in the business (no matter what business you're in). And that same technology allows you to perform most of the tasks related to your business with an ease never before experienced. It gives the marketer working from his bedroom the same global reach as even some of the largest companies.
Network marketing is not hard. Business in general is not hard. Most of the obstacles we find along the way are actually of our own creation. (Yup! I said it again. It's your own fault).
I know. There's a lot of conflicting advice out there about building your business. Why is that? Well, what works for me and what I'm comfortable with may be very different than what works for you. I hate cold calls. In fact, I hate the telephone in general. And so all the advice out there on this topic is a waste of my time. I do the bare minimum necessary. But I have a friend and team member who LOVES the phone. I think one day we may have to have it surgically removed from her ear! I tried to teach her how to build her list and how to blog. And she hated every minute of it. So how do you sort through all of the information out there to find what works? Well, first, look for what feels right to you. Focus on your strengths and make them stronger. We all need to learn new skills. I may learn to perfect my phone technique one day. But right now I prefer to write. And it works for me. So I'm taking coaching and training in copywriting and blogging. My friend is perfecting Facebook Live and video. Because she likes to talk. Both methods work, as long as they are being used by the right person.
I've been told that I need to "get with the times" and do more video. And maybe someday I will. But that's your belief. I'm doing fine right now with my own DMO (daily method of operations *smile*).
"But not everyone believes in network marketing. They won't listen. They think I'm a fraud!" Ok. Some will. Some won't. Who cares? Work with the ones that do. Ignore the rest.
You can do this! I know you can. You have the power within you to live your life on your terms. Many of you won't and that's sad. But some of you want something more. Go get it!
I have a small group of friends. We call ourselves the Ninja Marketers. Our sole purpose is to share our skills and knowledge with others in the business and to support and motivate each other. We are a team. When one of us succeeds, we all succeed.
Find your Ninjas. And if you can't, you are welcome to come and hang out with us. Either way, find others who share your vision and work together to live your dreams.
Don't waste another minute! Get up right now and do something - anything - to get your business back on track, to build the life you want to live, to move closer to your goals. If you don't have goals, write some! I have a blog post about that! Then take MASSIVE action - to COMPLETION - to achieve them. And yes, I have a blog post on that too.
It's time. If you truly want to live the life you were meant to, the life you dream of, then stop making excuses. As Henry C. Link stated, ""While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior."
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Talk About Yourself with Ease on Your "About Me" Page
You’ve probably heard that the "about me" page is the most
visited on nearly any website. And that makes sense if you think about it: Your potential customers and team members want
to know who they’re doing business with.
The trouble is, getting that information across without
being too personal (i.e. unprofessional) or too formal (read: unreachable) is
tough. Especially when you’re writing about yourself.
Let Your Personality
This is, after all, your “about me” page. So it makes sense
to let the real you shine just a little bit. Write as if you’re having an email
conversation with a friend. Don’t worry about being too formal, and if you
start to sound like you’re writing a cover letter, lighten up a bit.
However, you can go to far. You probably should not use
swear words (even if in real life you have a potty mouth), and you should leave
out the details of your rotten divorce and how you’re trying to raise three kids
and that’s why you’re working from home. That much “personality” is a turn off
for potential clients.
Also, be sure to include your photo. It will make you seem
more like a real person and less like some faceless website owner. Just be sure the photo you choose leans
more toward professional than not. You don’t have to spring for expensive
headshots, but don’t use the Halloween costume party photo, either.
But What Should I Say?
Here’s where most people really get stuck. Some things you
might want to include in your “about page” are:
- Who you work
- How long you’ve
been in business (unless you started less than a year ago)
- Your core
- What makes you
different from others in your field
Not sure where to start? Take a look at the “about me” pages of
those who are doing similar work, and who have a similar style. What do you
like about their pages, and what do you think isn’t working for them? Make some
notes including specific details so you can refer to them as you write your own
Remember, your "about me" page doesn’t have to be long or formal,
but it does have to give people a sense of who you are and what you can do for
Really Stuck? Get
Outside Help
Writing about yourself is hard. If you’re struggling, it may
be time to get some help. You might choose to hire a writer – there are even
those who specialize in “about me” pages – but it might be just as easy to get a
friend to help.
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Building a Home Business
There are a lot of people that would like to work from home right now. The corporate rat race just keeps getting worse and with the number of people looking for work, you could be a bit insecure! Especially with the recent announcements of layoffs and shutdowns.
The good news is a home business is something you can begin today while you still have your other job. You can build it up with the aim of making enough money for you to set aside for emergencies. Or you can work to eventually replace your income if you do lose your job.
Lots of people have started home businesses and are doing very well with them. The problem is you usually only hear from the ones who haven't. But what they don't tell you is that it is usually their own fault. They either don't put enough effort into it, they choose a bad system to follow that doesn't help them grow, or they treat their business a lot more like a hobby than a business. Something to be worked on only when they don't have anything else to do.
You are nothing like that, are you? You've been working 50 hours a week for at your job for so long you know you couldn't go through a day without doing something. With your own home business those hours would be devoted to you and your folks and your customers and down-line and no one else. You would be calling the shots.
No more sitting in traffic, skipping lunch and working late. No more spending money on business attire. NO more going days without seeing your kids and your spouse. Oh and did I mention vacations? Take your laptop along on as many vacations as you like, do some work during the day and live the good life with your family.
Can you see it? Can you picture that life? Great! Do you already have experience in sales or a customer-oriented job? That's even better!
There are plenty of things worth doing if you would like to start a home business. You could spend weeks poking around on the internet trying to find the perfect idea and how to get started. But chances are you will start to feel frustrated and ready to throw in the towel before you even get started! You can easily waste a lot of money too.
Here's the secret to success in the "work from home" arena - find someone who is already making the kind of money you want, who is living the life you aspire to. Team up with them, find out what exactly they are doing and have been doing to produce that result. And then just do what they do. Seriously. Building a lucrative business can really be just that simple - no matter what business you want to promote.
Sales and marketing is the key - not what you're promoting. Right now there are plenty of online systems you can use to generate a regular supply of leads, qualify those leads instantly, produce a nice stream of income whether they join your business or not, and literally grow your business on autopilot. Here is the home business lead generation system we recommend.
The good news is a home business is something you can begin today while you still have your other job. You can build it up with the aim of making enough money for you to set aside for emergencies. Or you can work to eventually replace your income if you do lose your job.
Lots of people have started home businesses and are doing very well with them. The problem is you usually only hear from the ones who haven't. But what they don't tell you is that it is usually their own fault. They either don't put enough effort into it, they choose a bad system to follow that doesn't help them grow, or they treat their business a lot more like a hobby than a business. Something to be worked on only when they don't have anything else to do.
You are nothing like that, are you? You've been working 50 hours a week for at your job for so long you know you couldn't go through a day without doing something. With your own home business those hours would be devoted to you and your folks and your customers and down-line and no one else. You would be calling the shots.
No more sitting in traffic, skipping lunch and working late. No more spending money on business attire. NO more going days without seeing your kids and your spouse. Oh and did I mention vacations? Take your laptop along on as many vacations as you like, do some work during the day and live the good life with your family.
Can you see it? Can you picture that life? Great! Do you already have experience in sales or a customer-oriented job? That's even better!
There are plenty of things worth doing if you would like to start a home business. You could spend weeks poking around on the internet trying to find the perfect idea and how to get started. But chances are you will start to feel frustrated and ready to throw in the towel before you even get started! You can easily waste a lot of money too.
Here's the secret to success in the "work from home" arena - find someone who is already making the kind of money you want, who is living the life you aspire to. Team up with them, find out what exactly they are doing and have been doing to produce that result. And then just do what they do. Seriously. Building a lucrative business can really be just that simple - no matter what business you want to promote.
Sales and marketing is the key - not what you're promoting. Right now there are plenty of online systems you can use to generate a regular supply of leads, qualify those leads instantly, produce a nice stream of income whether they join your business or not, and literally grow your business on autopilot. Here is the home business lead generation system we recommend.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Reputations Are Fragile

Reputations are fragile. Once they are damaged, they can be impossible to restore. Trust is everything. Once it's lost, it might never be reclaimed.
People do business with those they KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST! So why do so many sacrifice good reputations for power, money, or prestige? You invest so much into building that reputation only to watch all of that hard work and success disappear.
I've heard it. I've even said it myself a few times. "I don't care what others think of me." And in some ways that can be a good and positive thing. If people think I'm a little bit quirky, or sometimes too outspoken - I can live with that. But if they don't trust me to do the right thing - if they think I'm unreliable, dishonest, or lazy - then it DOES matter what they think of me. Because their perception of me can negatively impact my ability to earn a living.
How many of us do business with a particular person or company simply because we trust them more than others? We may pay a little more. We may wait a little longer for an appointment. We may accept a bit less selection. We may travel a little farther. But we do it happily. Why? Because they have earned our trust and respect. I know I do it all the time!
You may think that since you are a network marketer or an online marketer, that your reputation is out of your control and doesn't really matter anyway. But it's is probably more important here than elsewhere! We are already fighting against the poor reputation network marketing has gained through the actions of some less scrupulous companies and reps. More than ever, we need to be the positive example! Spamming, inflating earnings, exaggerating product claims, stealing reps from other teams - all these only serve to further damage our reputation as a business model, not to mention your own reputation as a business person.
Socrates said, "The way to gain a good reputation is to endeavor to be what you desire to appear." You are the face of your business. If you want people to think of your company with respect and trust, then you must act accordingly always. Will you sometimes make a misstep? Sure. Sometimes things happen through no fault of your own. You might be part of a company that has some problems (been there!). Or you might promote a product that isn't what you were led to believe. (Been there too!) But if you personally have a good reputation, you can overcome that when it happens. Pick yourself up. Admit the issue. State how you will correct the issue. And then do it. With a smile. Think Tylenol. Remember the poisoned Tylenol scare? That could have destroyed the brand. But they responded quickly and efficiently to protect their consumers and because of that, may have earned more respect for their brand.
"But I'm having a bad day. So I did send out a little spam. I did target someone I knew was going to join another team. I need the money." Well, guess what. We're in business. So, yes we may have bad days. No, we aren't allowed to use that as an excuse. You still have to deliver great products and services, and impeccable customer service. You still have to be honest and trustworthy. Every day. Without fail.
It takes time to build a great reputation. It can be destroyed in a day. So be consistent. Be reliable. Be trustworthy. Offer the best products and services you can. Offer stellar customer service. And always, always tell the truth.
The purest treasure mortal times afford is a spotless reputation. --Shakespeare
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Foodies Everywhere Rejoice - Meet Jeff Pfohl!

1. Jeff, tell us about yourself.
My formal education is in chemistry and physics. After getting my PhD I worked in the government for several years before venturing out on my own as an entrepreneur. This scientific background prepared me well for entrepreneurship in that a Ph.D. not only takes 6 years, which takes patience and determination, but also means failure. Experiments go wrong, and you need to reevaluate, and adjust, moving forward. In a small business things also go wrong, and you need to stop, and often rethink everything you originally believed, challenge every assumption, and then come up with a new plan to move forward.
2. Tell us about your business
Gourmet-Delights.com is an online retail store specializing in gourmet foods for the home chef. I was tired of paying what I considered exorbitant prices for average ingredients. I knew I could offer higher quality ingredients than were currently available retail, at a lower price than the average products on the store shelves, thus our motto "Exceptional Foods at realistic prices".
I decided to be online only, for two important reasons: first was to keep my costs down, so I could pass those savings along to the customer, and second was to expand my reach. I’ve lived in big cities, and small towns, and the variability of supermarkets is astounding. When I lived in those places, long before the internet was mainstream and in everyone’s home, not being able to find a real balsamic vinegar, or true extra virgin olive oil, or certain spices was painful for a home chef like me. Gourmet-Delights.com solves those dilemmas and puts high quality ingredients right on your doorstep no matter where you live.
3. Why did you choose to start your own business and why this particular niche?
Gourmet-Delights.com is my 9th startup. It became a reality when I was hosting dinner parties for friends, with ingredients I hand carried back from around the world during my travels, and my friends always asked "where I can find that ingredient" and I would say it is only available in Europe, or Asia, or…. So if I had extra I’d give them some, which meant I ran out sooner. At some point ½ my suitcase was bringing ingredients back for friends, and I said "if my friends are begging me for these ingredients, and love them, there must be others out there looking." I launched the website in March 2009 and immediately started getting sales.
4. What do you like most, and least, about being your own boss?
What I like most is the lack of office politics. Small businesses allow everyone to be connected. The owner/CEO can talk to everyone, and everyone can talk to the CEO. Problems get identified, and resolved, faster because everyone has a stake, and everyone has a valuable perspective to offer. That teamwork is invaluable for a small business. The worst thing is my boss, that’s me, is always watching me *lol* Every moment I’m doing something else, which isn’t often, I think "I should be back at work".
5. What personality traits and skills are needed to run a business?
You need to have an even keel. A business, especially in the early stages, is like a roller coaster. Ups, downs, and stomach wrenching drops. If you react emotionally, if you jump at every little hiccup, you will burn out very quickly. You also need to be ready for failure. Not everything will go your way, you can count on that. So when things go wrong, you cannot just wallow in the failure, and sulk for a few days, you need to immediately fix that issue because 10 other things are related and could fail too if you don’t resolve things quickly. It takes a special personality, and mindset, to take blow after blow after blow, and still believe you can survive and be successful. Be ready to sacrifice your personal life, be ready to be the only one who will still believe in you month after month after month, and be ready for the disappointments that will inevitably come your way.
The fight is very real, and since only 1 in 14,000 companies make it to their 2nd year, the odds are really against you.
6. What has been the most difficult part of being an entrepreneur?
Not everyone understands the entrepreneurial lifestyle. It is a vow of poverty as you put your own savings into the company to get it off the ground. It is working days, nights, and weekends. It is thus very isolating. You will often feel alone, and you are alone. You need to be comfortable with being alone. But also make sure you have a support network, friends, family, colleagues, who you can talk to. It keeps you grounded, and helps you clear your mind, and look at things from a different perspective. But remember, in the end, it is your company, and it lives, or dies with you.
7. Do you have any resources that you have used to build your business that you would recommend?
Always hire professionals to do things you are not an expert in. You need to focus on your strengths to push the company forward. Hire a good contracts attorney, and let them handle the legal stuff. Hire a good accountant, and let them handle the accounting. For online businesses, use a top-tier hosting company, with the best support and software. Yes they cost money, and are more expensive than the "Bargain basement" hosts, but the amount of time, and frustration, you save is well worth the investment. This not only gives you some peace of mind, but is smart operationally and strategically.
8. Do you have any tips to share on promoting yourself?
Be honest with everyone. You may need to deliver bad news, you may need to deliver news that is embarrassing to yourself, a mistake you made, something that went wrong at the company, but if you are honest and open with others, they respect that.
9. What other advice would you like to share with someone starting their own business?
Be part of a small company first. You will get the look and feel of a small business without the 100% responsibility that comes with owning your own business. There is nothing like seeing the dynamics of a small company, the struggles, and the dedication it takes to determine if you are ready for your own company. You will build a network of people that can help you later on, and most importantly you can learn from other’s mistakes.
10. How can we contact you to learn more about your products and services?
My website is full of information, from product descriptions, to recipes, to customer reviews. I work very hard to put all the information I possibly can on the website so the customer can be as informed as I am. That empowers the customer.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Turning Things Around
My first Success Story webinar last night was fabulous! (And yes, I will be sharing the video here on my blog later. But if you don't want to wait, you can find it on Facebook in my Ninja Marketers Group.) Andy Shepherd was an amazing guest.
We talked about all sorts of things. But one of the things we spent quite a bit of time on was mindset. Because it's HUGE! If you are struggling - with your business, your health, your relationships, you LIFE - and you want to turn things around, there is a way. You have to flip how you think.
You can control how you see things. If you focus on the negative, that's all you'll see. But when you flip it and focus on the positive, it's just the opposite. It's like God suddenly decides to lay out all the pieces for you and you just have to pick them up. But the truth is they've been there all the time. You just couldn't see them through the cloud of negativity.
Let's start with your business. This is a business blog after all. I hear it all the time. "I can't _______!" (Fill in the blanks. Blog. Speak. Do Facebook Lives. Promote.) "No one will listen to me. I'm not successful yet." Well you know what? You're probably right. Because you don't have confidence in yourself and that will come through in everything you do. So if you are waiting to be successful before you have the confidence to put yourself and your business out there, you will be waiting for a very long time. But what if I told you that success doesn't make you confident. Confidence actually makes you successful! Think about it. Who would you rather do business with? Someone who is confident in themselves and what they offer or someone who seems unsure and hesitant about their business?
Or a theme that I see (no kidding) on social media repeatedly. "I'm so unhappy. I wish I could find that special guy (or girl) to share my life with. Then I would be happier." Really? That's all it would take to make you happy? Feel sorry for you. You're going to be alone for a long, long time. No one can fulfill all your needs that way. Which is probably why you're still alone. But what if I told you that relationships don't make you happy? Happy people make relationships. Again, think about it. Who would you rather hang out with? Someone who is positive and cheerful or someone who is needy and despondent?
"Yes, but you have been through so much. It made you strong and courageous." Well, yes...I have been through some STUFF! But it didn't make me courageous. Being courageous helped me face and overcome those challenges.
"I'm waiting for some results before I take more action." Well action breeds results. So what exactly what are you waiting for?
So here is the big mind flip that I got from my talk with Andy last night. Whenever you feel a negative thought coming on, turn it around to something positive. When you make a choice based on negative ideas, stop and make the opposite choice. If you do that consistently, you will soon be surprised at the person you have become.
Remember, results don't inspire to take action, action inspires results. This works, if you do it. Let me know if I can help you.
Have you experienced this in your own life? Please share in the comments. Let's have a conversation!
We talked about all sorts of things. But one of the things we spent quite a bit of time on was mindset. Because it's HUGE! If you are struggling - with your business, your health, your relationships, you LIFE - and you want to turn things around, there is a way. You have to flip how you think.
You can control how you see things. If you focus on the negative, that's all you'll see. But when you flip it and focus on the positive, it's just the opposite. It's like God suddenly decides to lay out all the pieces for you and you just have to pick them up. But the truth is they've been there all the time. You just couldn't see them through the cloud of negativity.
Let's start with your business. This is a business blog after all. I hear it all the time. "I can't _______!" (Fill in the blanks. Blog. Speak. Do Facebook Lives. Promote.) "No one will listen to me. I'm not successful yet." Well you know what? You're probably right. Because you don't have confidence in yourself and that will come through in everything you do. So if you are waiting to be successful before you have the confidence to put yourself and your business out there, you will be waiting for a very long time. But what if I told you that success doesn't make you confident. Confidence actually makes you successful! Think about it. Who would you rather do business with? Someone who is confident in themselves and what they offer or someone who seems unsure and hesitant about their business?
Or a theme that I see (no kidding) on social media repeatedly. "I'm so unhappy. I wish I could find that special guy (or girl) to share my life with. Then I would be happier." Really? That's all it would take to make you happy? Feel sorry for you. You're going to be alone for a long, long time. No one can fulfill all your needs that way. Which is probably why you're still alone. But what if I told you that relationships don't make you happy? Happy people make relationships. Again, think about it. Who would you rather hang out with? Someone who is positive and cheerful or someone who is needy and despondent?
"Yes, but you have been through so much. It made you strong and courageous." Well, yes...I have been through some STUFF! But it didn't make me courageous. Being courageous helped me face and overcome those challenges.
"I'm waiting for some results before I take more action." Well action breeds results. So what exactly what are you waiting for?
So here is the big mind flip that I got from my talk with Andy last night. Whenever you feel a negative thought coming on, turn it around to something positive. When you make a choice based on negative ideas, stop and make the opposite choice. If you do that consistently, you will soon be surprised at the person you have become.
Remember, results don't inspire to take action, action inspires results. This works, if you do it. Let me know if I can help you.
Have you experienced this in your own life? Please share in the comments. Let's have a conversation!
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
So What Exactly Do You Do Anyway?
That’s the question on everyone’s mind when they land on
your site for the first time. Obviously, your header, tagline, and front page
should give them a pretty good idea about you and the services you offer, but
your services page is where you want to go into much more detail.
Service Page Slipups to Avoid
While it’s obvious you need a services page on your site, what’s not so obvious are the blunders you can make that might end up costing you business.
The Kitchen Sink Page: This is a page that lists every single thing you can do, want to do, thought about doing, and have been asked to do. Simply put, while a big list of services might seem like a great idea, it can be confusing for potential clients. They won’t know what you’re really good at, or if you’re a good fit for them.
Instead, list your core strengths, include some explanation about each, and if you feel you need to expand, add a line such as “If you need other services not listed here, please contact me for a quote.”
There’s one exception to a pared down services page, and that’s if you’re operating business that truly does offer – either through subcontracting or by partnering with others – a multitude of services. If that’s the case, consider breaking up your services page into categories, such as writing, technical support, graphic design, social media management, and transcription. That will give your visitors all the information they need without looking like a laundry list of jobs.
Lacking Detail: If your services page includes packages, it’s important to spell out exactly what is included in each. Don’t say “a) Member installation and configuration” without listing everything that is included in that package, otherwise you’ll wind up with “project creep” where clients ask for more and more time for things you never intended to provide with that package. Be very specific when promoting packages, and add a line such as “Any services not listed here will incur additional charges.”
The Sticky Question of Prices
Should you or should you not include your prices on your services page (or anywhere else)? Ask a dozen service providers and you’ll likely find they’re split right down the middle on what’s the correct choice. Ultimately, it’s up to you, but be aware that if you choose not to include prices, you may find that potential clients won’t contact you to request a quote.
On the other hand, if you do include your prices, you may feel you’re “scaring off” future customers.
Here’s the thing: Good customers know the value of a great virtual service provider. Your hourly or project rate will not frighten away a real customer, but they may in fact deter the “tire kickers” from wasting your time.
If you’re not comfortable naming a set price, or don’t want to be locked into a rate just because it’s stated on your site, you can simply state, “Prices start at $XX per hour. Contact me for a custom quote.” That way potential clients will know what to expect, and those who aren’t really serious won’t bother you.
Service Page Slipups to Avoid
While it’s obvious you need a services page on your site, what’s not so obvious are the blunders you can make that might end up costing you business.
The Kitchen Sink Page: This is a page that lists every single thing you can do, want to do, thought about doing, and have been asked to do. Simply put, while a big list of services might seem like a great idea, it can be confusing for potential clients. They won’t know what you’re really good at, or if you’re a good fit for them.
Instead, list your core strengths, include some explanation about each, and if you feel you need to expand, add a line such as “If you need other services not listed here, please contact me for a quote.”
There’s one exception to a pared down services page, and that’s if you’re operating business that truly does offer – either through subcontracting or by partnering with others – a multitude of services. If that’s the case, consider breaking up your services page into categories, such as writing, technical support, graphic design, social media management, and transcription. That will give your visitors all the information they need without looking like a laundry list of jobs.
Lacking Detail: If your services page includes packages, it’s important to spell out exactly what is included in each. Don’t say “a) Member installation and configuration” without listing everything that is included in that package, otherwise you’ll wind up with “project creep” where clients ask for more and more time for things you never intended to provide with that package. Be very specific when promoting packages, and add a line such as “Any services not listed here will incur additional charges.”
The Sticky Question of Prices
Should you or should you not include your prices on your services page (or anywhere else)? Ask a dozen service providers and you’ll likely find they’re split right down the middle on what’s the correct choice. Ultimately, it’s up to you, but be aware that if you choose not to include prices, you may find that potential clients won’t contact you to request a quote.
On the other hand, if you do include your prices, you may feel you’re “scaring off” future customers.
Here’s the thing: Good customers know the value of a great virtual service provider. Your hourly or project rate will not frighten away a real customer, but they may in fact deter the “tire kickers” from wasting your time.
If you’re not comfortable naming a set price, or don’t want to be locked into a rate just because it’s stated on your site, you can simply state, “Prices start at $XX per hour. Contact me for a custom quote.” That way potential clients will know what to expect, and those who aren’t really serious won’t bother you.
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