
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Ending Overwhelm with Essentialism

As a business owner, I love helping my clients. But because I teach on marketing topics, I receive a lot of messages from them asking questions and sharing problems they've encountered,

It finally got to the point that I was spending most of my time in my inbox, replying to customer emails. I was overwhelmed and frustrated. I was afraid to take a break from my computer because I want to be on-call for my customers.

This created problems in both my business and my personal life. I felt like I was chained to my desk. Then I read the book Essentialism and learned to ask three questions about every task.

Does This Have to Be Done?

Think about your business and what you want to accomplish with it. Then consider why you're completing your current task and if it's truly necessary for the health of your business. If it's not necessary, they why are you doing it? Could you just let it go?

I know that answering customers emails is essential. But I also noticed that I receive some of the same questions again and again.

To answer these questions faster, I created this blog, and some ebooks, and now a YouTube channel. When I get a common question, I copy and paste the link to the information directly into the email, saving me time. And as customers learn about these resources, they now often go there directly instead of emailing me.

Is This Important or Merely Urgent?

Important tasks are the ones that move your business forward. They get you closer to meeting your goals. Posting fifteen updates on your Facebook page might seem urgent but it's not necessarily important.

Urgent tasks feel important but they don't get you closer to meeting your goals. An example of an urgent but not necessarily important task is replying to comments on your social media posts. Sure, it feels good to monitor those little heart notifications. But unless it is a request for info or a question about your business, it isn't vital to reaching your current goal. Save it for when you're scrolling during your lunch break or while having your morning coffee.

Can This Be Done by Someone Else?

It can also be helpful to ask if a task can be handed off to someone else. Many business owners think of outsourcing as an expense. But it's smart to think about it as an investment. That's because you'll be able to work on the areas of your business where you shine without constant interruptions.

Answering these three questions can reduce your feelings of overwhelm. To make it simple, choose to implement these questions in one area of your business first, like customer support, social media promotion, or list-building. Once you start seeing results, you can apply these questions to another part of your business that you want to overhaul.

Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Pareto Principle is All About Essentialism

You have probably heard me talk about the Pareto principle before. Only I may have mentioned it as the 80/20 rule. The idea behind it is that 80% of your results will be achieved by 20% of your work. Most entrepreneurs find this to be true, often realizing that 80% of their income is generated from just 20% of their work.

Which makes you want to the remaining 80% of their work essential?

Know Your Branches

Let's start by defining the different branches of your business. Suppose you offer web design services to your clients. And then you also run a web hosting company. And maybe you designed book covers for some authors who also had you design their sites. And then you decided to teach a DIY course on Canva. 

All of these branches may be contributing to your income. But some are probably more profitable than others. 

If you actually examine your own business, you may find that you do have multiple branches with different levels of income.

Prune Your Branches

When you note your business branches, write down how much income you earned from each one in the last year. Once you have an idea of your profitable branches, you'll want to consider if some of them need to be pruned. As you organize your branches, be sure to write down how much each is earning you as well as how much time you're spending on it. That's because sometimes you may want to prune a branch that's profitable but taking up too much of  your time.

Focus on Your Branches

The amount of income a branch brings in should never be your sole consideration. You should also take into account what your business goals are. Then ask yourself, "Is this branch bringing me closer to my goal or further away?"

Ideally branches that aren't in line with your goals should be the first you prune. However, there may be a reason that you leave a branch in place temporarily. For example, if you are trying to shift from a service model to a product model, but you're earning the majority of your income from the services you provide, you may want to leave them in place for now while you shift the focus of your business.

The Pareto principle is a great way to look at essentialism. By eliminating business branches that are no longer a good fit or that aren't in line with your goals, you'll be able to focus on the branches that truly matter.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

What is Essentialism? And Why Should You Care?

You have probably seen photos of my "to read" stack. There are books galore! Well I also have a "to reread" stack. It's not quite as tall. But the books in that stack have impacted me and my business greatly. They have impacted me enough that I keep them at hand to go back and read them again. Sometimes I get fresh insights based on new experiences. Sometimes I am reminded of things I may have forgotten.

One of those books is Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown. This book changed how I thought about my business. It helped set me on the path to actually making consistent money, not the sporadic and unpredictable income I had been earning. It taught me about eliminating the unnecessary so I could focus on my best work. It taught me about essentialism.

If you have ever felt busy but not productive or just stretched too thin, it might be time for you to embrace this concept as well. I know it sounds kind of "woo-woo" and "new-ageish", but it isn't hard or complicated. It can be practiced by anyone, seasoned entrepreneur or newbie. Either way, you will reap the benefits!

Like clarifying your message. I wasted so much valuable time trying to be everything to everyone. I was a health coach, a marketing coach, a network marketer, an agency owner. But rereading the book helped me choose to focus on creating Ninja Marketers. And my passion project, The Rebel Tribe.

And I'll be honest. I expected my business to dip as I made the transition. But it hasn't. Because I'm more focused on my overall message.

Essentialism will help you define your focus. It's tempting to believe you can do everything, isn't it? We're told that as soon as we start our business. You can do anything you put your mind to. And that may be true to some extent. But what they neglect to tell you is you can't do everything WELL! Even more importantly, you'll be distracted as you try to balance all the areas of your business.

When you define your focus, you're working on the tasks where you truly shine. You're zeroed in on projects that are within your "zone of genius"

Pursuing essentialism has another benefit. It helps create accountability. When you're trying to tackle everything by yourself, there's no time to stop and analyze what's working. You're just in survival mode, trying to keep all the balls in the air. There's no time for tracking, measuring, or analyzing. You're flying blind.

But when you embrace essentialism, you know what to focus on. You know which metrics truly matter. You can take the time to measure and analyze results.

I know. You're thinking essentialism is just another buzz word. But it's not! It's a powerful concept. I had forgotten just how powerful it can be until I reread the book. It can transform the way you look at your business and how you serve your customers.

I'm going to be talking about how to embrace essentialism in your business over the next few weeks. If the concept interests you, just keep reading my stuff!


Monday, November 27, 2023

The Endless Chase

I see it every day. People endlessly chasing their tails trying to make a buck. Chase chase chase. Sell sell sell. Run run run. First in one direction, then another. And then when nothing works, they START ALL OVER AGAIN! Or as so many others do, they quit altogether.

I just don't get it. I watch people I have known for years go from deal to deal. Next "big thing" to next "big thing". Jumping on one marketing trend after another. And yet they never create stable income.

They never stop to think, "Wait a minute...this isn't working!" And that's why I have decided to focus in on the thing that made all the difference for me. The one thing I know can change a person's business and make them leaders. And that one thing is proper marketing.

I'm not talking about creating fancy funnels or running paid ads. We're not going to be counting clickthroughs or conversions. You can do that if you want. A lot of hardcore internet marketers do. But I'm not one of them.

And chances are you aren't either. You're probably just like me. An average home business owner who wants to get off the treadmill and find something you can do in a couple of hours a day around your daily life that will yield you a couple thousand a month. And maybe even building that up to more over time.

And so it's time to learn marketing properly in the NETWORKING way.

So I'm about to embark on a mission to teach these skills to as many people as I can in 2024 and beyond. ANYONE can do this. It takes very little time. It gives you ever increasing leverage. The longer you do it the better you get. And the better you get the more income you can make.

It will give you influence. Recruiting power. It will let you stop having to spend time with looky-loos and tire kickers. It will let people tell you EXACTLY when they are ready to buy.

I could tell you more, but I won't. I'm just going to go work on the project and the training and bring it to you the minute it's ready. 

And what if I told you I can share resources that will make marketing easier than ever before? And what if I added the opportunity to join my team and learn from me directly at absolutely no cost to you?


So that's the good word today. I am telling you if you are not marketing on all cylinders, you are missing out. 

Some people will tell you my methods are outdated, dead, obsolete. I will tell you that I make money all day long using these exact methods.

The proof is in the pudding my friends. You decide if learning bona-fide SKILLS is worth your time. Or you can keep picking up the pieces and starting all over again, if you like that kind of thing.


Sunday, November 19, 2023

What's Your Purpose?

I believe in serving your audience before you sell. But how are you called to serve in your business?? How can knowing your calling help you serve your audience better?

I've been pondering this as I slowly figure out what Rebel Tribe will look like as I build it. I've had some thoughts and will share a few ideas. 

When I first started talking about the new direction for my business, I mentioned that I felt "called" to do this. But what exactly is a "calling" and how do you find yours? It's not something we're born knowing. And we aren't taught to find our calling in school. So what is the best way to find your calling?

I can only tell you how it came for me. It was a feeling that my business in it's state at that time wasn't personally satisfying. The money was great but it wasn't emotionally or spiritually gratifying. I felt like something was missing. That there was definitely more I could be doing to help people than simply teaching them about marketing skills. So I guess it starts by listening and engaging with yourself and your surroundings.

What are you passionate about? For me, it's helping others live the life they have always wanted. Whether that's as a 7-figure earner in an online business or a young man just starting out on his journey who simply wants to take his camera and a backpack and photograph the world.

Your calling is that thing that sets your soul on fire, and makes your heart sing and causes you to jump out of bed in the morning ready to get to work or stay up late at night working on a project because you're too excited to sleep.

And finding it can be a process that often starts with that little nagging voice in the back of your mind that says something is missing. There has to be more to life than this.

If you're struggling to hear it, try meditating. Or journaling. Or simply talking it through with friends. 

Your calling makes you feel like all your hard work is connected to your values or a higher purpose. It can take a lot of work to pursue your calling. Finding the meaning of life isn't easy! There will be ups and downs. There may be struggles as you try to figure out how exactly to bring your dream to fruition. 
There will be days when you it will simply be exhausting. But remember one thing.


Because once you find your true calling, you will discover a life filled with more meaning. You will discover a sense of purpose. You will LOVE what you do. And be happier doing it.

So now that you know what a calling is, is it time to find yours?

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Why You Want to Define Your Brand's Core Values Today

Are you struggling to grow your list? Do you want to earn a bigger income? Maybe it's time to define your brand's core values...

When you realize your values and when you understand what sets your brand apart, it's easier to market!

This might seem like a pointless assignment. Maybe it's better suited to the REALLY big guys in the biz. But trust me. Understanding your core values has a ton of benefits for the home biz entrepreneur.

They can be the cornerstone upon which you build. They can help you make decisions like which projects to take on. Which customers to work with. Which products to promote.

Knowing your core values can also help simplify decisions. When everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. And when everything seems to be of equal importance...even when it's not...making decisions quickly becomes difficult and frustrating.

But with your core values to guide you, decisions are easier. You have clearly defined what matters most and can focus on that.

Core values can also be incredibly powerful at inspiring your team. And as you get clear on what values your brand stands for, it becomes easier to attract your ideal client.

Some entrepreneurs believe you must choose between making a buck and making a difference. But you will find customers that will be loyal to your brand simply because they support the same values you do.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to decide on your core values. But your principles are what will keep your business from becoming lost in the crowd.

Smart marketers like you understand that your core values help you stand out in a crowded marketplace.

It is possible that as your business has grown, the values that fit you perfectly when you started are no longer relevant. Be willing to step back and look at what you really want to stand for.

Creativity and innovation
Transparency and communication
Creating outstanding customer experiences
Taking action
Confident and creative self-expression
Personal growth through learning

These are some of the core values my clients came up with during a recent training webinar. And they are all perfect...for them. There are no right or wrong core values. It's just about expressing who your brand is and sharing that with your audience, with your team, with your customers, and with the WORLD!

Today's the day. What does your brand stand for? It's time to define your core values.

Friday, November 3, 2023

How Would You Like a Breakthrough For the Holidays?

I remember when I was starting out. I was embarrassed to let any experienced marketer take a look at my business. I just knew they would judge me. And that they would just validate what I knew in my heart. I was never going to be successful. I was never going to make it.

So I kept them at arms length so I could keep pretending that all was well and I knew what I was doing.

That was STUPID! STINKIN' THINKIN' as they say. How did I ever think I was going to get better if I didn't learn what I was doing wrong? And how was I going to learn if I refused to sit with people who could teach me.

Can I be honest here? I can sometimes still be hesitant about letting someone who makes more than I do (and I make some money!) see my work. I'm rather OCD and very dyslexic with the attention span of a gnat. I'm afraid they will take one look at the inside of my mind and wonder how in the heck I manage to function let alone make money.

But then I remember that one session with someone who knows more than I do can tilt my whole world in an hour or two. And more importantly make me money.

So when I have time I like to offer VIP sessions. Because that's my desire. To give someone a hand with something they are working on and use my experience to tilt THEIR world. In 50 minutes. Or if you have a big project 90 minutes is an option.

But only in the next two weeks before the holiday season really kicks in. I have an unusual period of time where I have no projects, no launches, no major client work. I just want to reach out to some folks and give them a hand with whatever they are working on.

In 50 minutes we could revamp your social media presence.

In 50 minutes we could create 10 awesome graphics for you to use to promote with.

In 50 minutes we could set up your first list.

In 50 minutes we could write several autoresponder letters.

In 50 minutes I could teach you about short form video.

In 50 minutes we could build a funnel.

In 50 minutes I could help you break through the thinking that is holding you back. We can get at the root of that in an hour.

And get this. Sessions start as low as $75 I'm DEEPLY DISCOUNTING this just for my readers. $75 for 50 minutes...$150 for 90 minutes.

But you agree to let me use the session as content. It will go on my YouTube channel to use your session to help others. You get to help others learn and in return you get half off.

If you do want a PRIVATE session the pricing is a bit different. $150 for 50 minutes or $250 for 90 minutes. Private sessions are for when you are working on something you want to keep 100% private. But you do get the recording to use as you see fit.

I haven't done any of these in a long time and I have no idea when I will have time to do them again. In a few weeks I'll be busy with the holidays and then I'm off to Orlando and then New Orleans so I definitely will not have time until at least the spring if even then. It may not even happen in 2024.

And of course sessions are limited.

People are all booking the 90 minute ones so they are getting less and less available. People are wanting to get some bang out of their holiday marketing and are reaching out. Don't get mad at me if you miss out! People always do. Hit me back and we'll get you scheduled. to finish working on setting up my podcast. I have to focus as this is not second nature to me yet but I have to get it done! It's a new learning curve that I've got to master. And of course I'm tapping into those that are rocking it! Why sit alone and suffer when I can get help and WIN! Right?

Watch for my podcast launch!


Friday, October 20, 2023

Stop Faking!

Fake it till you make it...

We've all been told this at some point in our entrepreneurial lives. Well, I'm going to tell you just the opposite. It's time to STOP faking it.

There! I dared to say it.

I know it sounds like sound advice. I mean it's stood the test of time....right?

Wrong. It's not good advice at all. It needs to go. It undermines your own self-confidence.

Many of us still listen to that negative little voice whispering in our heads. The one that keeps saying things like...

"They will know I'm not an expert."
"They will question me."
"They will troll me."
"They will think I'm too ___________ (fill in the blank)."

They, they, they...

Before you know it, they are running YOUR business. If you started your business so you wouldn't have to deal with a crappy boss, why are you giving control to "THEY"?

You came here most likely because you've been looking for something more in your life. A place where you have control. Where you make the decisions. Where you have freedom and flexibility. Where you are the boss.

When you get so consumed with worry of what others might think or do, you actually lose the goal you were hoping to achieve. FREEDOM. You give up being the true boss of your business. You have now given that role to others.


And trust me. "THEY" are completely crappy people to work for. They don't care about your business. They don't care about your success. They don't care about your freedom.

All you do when you fake it is give power to the negative nellies, trolls and jerks. Forget that!

Ready to stop faking it? Take a deep breath and. Face your fears. Practice, practice, practice. Embrace the process. And step into growing your business with confidence. And whenever you are feeling unsure, remind yourself...


You can figure it out. You can learn new skills. You can achieve your goals. One step and one day at a time. Plus, it's a heck of a lot easier showing up for your folks.

It's a lot easier to learn new skills. It's a lot easier to gain more knowledge. When you're not faking your expertise and achievements.

Embrace the journey! It's okay to admit you don't know everything. It's okay to say you're still learning. Still asking questions. Still growing. And know that you will find the answer.

Kick this "fake it till you make it" stuff to the curb. Step into the Ninja Badass Marketer that you are becoming.


Wednesday, October 4, 2023

I LOVE Affiliate Marketing...I Mean I Really DO Love It!

Affiliate marketing is the easy button, no muss, no fuss way to make a crap ton of money.

You build your audience. Create an email list. Build a social media presence. All with people who are into a particular topic. Then you just share products and services with them that they might like. If they buy, the company you referred them to takes the money, delivers the product, and does the bulk of the follow up.

If they don't, it's no big deal. You keep your relationship with the person and you show them something else another day. It's the coolest thing!

All I need to do is focus on my people and what would serve them best and point at cool offers and let them be the ones to decide what they want to look at.

And the best part is there is ALWAYS something available to sell.

Need some cash? Go find an affiliate product and you are off to the races! You can sell pretty much anything under the sun. Don't believe me? Go be an Amazon affiliate. I've sold everything from books to coaching card decks to microgreens kits to glow sticks! You can turn almost everything into CASH FLOW!

My advice to you today.

First take a look at all the tools and products you use everyday in your business. Check if they have an affiliate program. If they do, sign up!

Next, become an Amazon affiliate. Look for products that complement your existing business. Share them with your audience. Easy income stream.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Are You Ready To Make Next Week Your Best Week Ever?

It's Thursday....

For some, it's Friday-eve. For others, it's just another day. Either way, it's a chance to prepare for next week. How can you make next week the best week you've ever had?

Well, it may sound a bit simplistic. But all it takes is one thing - the will to do it!

Say it to yourself right now. "I am going to make this next week the best week I've ever had." Then take the actions to make that happen. Want some help with that?

Here's a tip. The people that share the most earn the most.

Facts tell. Stories sell.

So share your stories with your best and brightest prospects!

Friday, September 8, 2023

Self-Coaching Makes Anything Possible!

Finishing up my series on self-coaching! It's a wonderful way to reach your goals and challenge yourself! Regardless of what you want to accomplish, regardless of where you are in life, you can create more of what you want!

I even used it to become an author and an artist! Two things I always dreamed of doing but never thought I could accomplish them.

I wanted to hold my book and see it on my bookshelf.

I love to read. I am a certified bibliophile! So I always dreamed of being an author one day. A dream out of reach for a poor kid from the wrong side of town, or so I thought. But on my 59th birthday, my book was published! How?

I was fortunate enough to have someone tell me to stop dreaming of writing the great American novel and to just write what I knew. Those words stuck with me. Write what I knew. I could do that! I coached myself through the process of writing my first book. And then I talked myself into reaching out to an editor I knew.

And when a friend offered to introduce me to a publisher I coached myself through learning about publishing contracts and royalties so I could speak with him from a position of strength and knowledge.

Within a few months, I was able to proudly release my first book, thanks to my self-coaching skills.

Did you know I'm an artist/designer?

My mother was an artist. My sister can draw. My daughter and grandson can draw. Unfortunately, the artistic gene bypassed me completely! I can't even draw stick figures! But I still loved to doodle and paint. I dreamed of being an artist or designer. even though I was awful!

Then one day while I was online, I discovered Canva. So now at least, I could create professional looking images for my business.

But then I discovered the glories of print-on-demand. I could upload my creations from Canva and have them printed on various products. Then I would get to keep a portion of the profits.

I coached myself through the start up process and chose a brand name. I picked five of my favorite images and put them up online. The sales started trickling in slowly but after a year, it became another viable income stream. And I am doing something I love. Creating art!

There's nothing like the thrill of achieving a dream and realizing YOU made it all happen.

With self-coaching there are no limits! You can do anything you choose to do.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

My Top 3 Most Effective Self-Coaching Techniques

Do you need some self-coaching ideas? Try using one of these techniques to motivate and encourage yourself

The 4 Whys

This is a great coaching method to use when you encounter a problem or setback. It involves stating the problem then asking why several times in order to get to the root of the issue so you can correct it. In fact, in the Navy, we called a similar technique "root cause analysis." For example the 4 Whys might look like this for you:

Problem: I can't start my business

  • Why? Because I don't have a website.
  • Why? I don't know how to build a website.
  • Why? I have never taken a course in web design.
  • Why? I don't know where such a course is offered.

As you can see, this helps you establish the cause (a lack of knowledge) and come up with a plan to overcome it (take a web design class, of course!)  Of course, keep in mind that some problems require you to ask "why" more than 4-5 times. So you may may have to experiment with this technique before you get to the root of your problem.


Affirmations can be a useful self-coaching strategy if you struggle with negative thoughts about yourself. For example, you might regularly think things like :   

    • I'm dumb
    • I'm ugly
    • I'm useless
    • I'm a failure
    • I'm worthless
These thoughts don't serve you. They are no helping you reach your goals and what's more, they're holding you back from stepping into your full potential. In order to overcome these thoughts, you need to replace them with positive affirmations. A few good ones to start with are:

    • I can create what I want
    • I am a beautiful masterpiece.
    • My life has value and meaning
    • I am worthy of love and respect
    • My feelings matter
The nest time you hear a negative thought, try repeating a positive affirmation.

Reframe It

You can't always change a situation you find yourself in. But you can always change your perspective of that situation. For example, you might be in a difficult spot financially and unable to change it for one reason or another, 

But you can alter your though pattern. You might say, "I don't make enough money!" This thought creates stress and invites lack into your life. Instead, try reframing the situation by saying, "I make enough money to keep the lights on and I choose to embrace abundance!"

Coaching yourself can be easy once you know the techniques to use. At first, it may seem odd to practice these tips. But as you begin to rely on them more often, you'll open your mind...and your the beautiful truth of who you are.  

P.S. You don't need a website to start a business. All you need is a phone or a computer, an idea, and the courage to give it a go.                    

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Are You Tired of Wondering Who Will Buy Your Stuff?

I know most of you are great at teaching your craft, creating your content, and putting together your offers. But you still struggle with getting people to see what you have.

Let's face it. You need more traffic!

Do you want a quicker way to connect with more of your target market? The answer just might be a virtual workshop.

I love workshops! Why? Because they make it easy to fill my courses and programs. They are quick to prepare. You can have one ready for pimetime in 2 weeks or less! They don't require a lot of time. A 90 minute workshop is all it takes. They are FUN to host. (At least when I host them!). They build trust and authority with your ideal customer.

I have used workshops to generate leads and sales for years. I teach my clients to do the same. So I do know a little bit about the exact steps you need to take to create an amazing experience. There are 7 of them, to be exact.

I'll be teaching those along with all the other aspects of multi-channel marketing to the Rebel Tribe. If you're not a member, now would be a good time to ask me about it.


Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Most of You Don't...

Do you have a system in your business? A way to generate leads? A page to capture them with? Do you have an autoresponder connected to that page so you can communicate with them? Do you have a good set of follow up letters or the ability to write yourself?

Or are you just wandering social media hoping that somebody miraculously buys from you?

You may not want to hear this but it just doesn't work that way. ALL successful home business owners have a system.

Yeah...yeah....I know. When you signed up, your sponsor told the story about how some guy in your upline recruited a superstar at his very first meeting and is now getting rich.

Or you bought the hype...along with whatever new software package, tool, training, program...that all you had to do was press a few buttons and your business would make millions on autopilot.

Hate to tell you but that's all smoke and mirrors. One way or another you are going to have to learn some skills and have a way to generate leads and make sales.

I'd like to help you with that. And right now I am going to offer something VERY special. If you check out the newest addition to my long-term residual income streams, and get our new free app, I will personally help you set up your simple business system over the next 2 weeks.

We'll work on it together and we'll have it set up in minutes.

Not only will we set up your system, but you will be added to my VIP group where you will learn all you need to set up a lead generation machine any time you want.

Learning this one skill will change your business FOREVER.

AND if you love what you see and decide to join my team, I'll add you to our marketing group where not only will we teach you the skills, we'll provide you with all the marketing materials you need while you're learning.

September is the month to build your system! My goal is to set up 100 or more people with simple marketing systems that WORK. I want the industry to SEE that this stuff is fundamental. Once you see how simple this is you will bang your head against the wall in frustration over all the years spent on smoke and hype.

It's a money printing machine if you stay consistent.

I can show you what to do. You have to actually do it. But I will have you in a space where you get all the support you need. So go get your free app...even if you have no intention of joining me. Although I think you'll like what you see. Heck, you might even make some money!

Because your going to want to learn this stuff ASAP. I can only handle so many people so if you want this ACT NOW. I don't know anywhere you can learn basic marketing over a few hours without even joining or buying anything.

I've never done this before. So take advantage of me while I am on a mission. You've been looking for answers. I want to teach you what I learned eons ago that changed everything for me. It's a thought process. One that you want to acquire if you are serious about making serious money. Hope to see you. This is important.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Accountability in Self-Coaching: How Does It Work?

Do you love the idea of self-coaching? Are you worried about giving it a try? Are you wondering, “How do I coach myself effectively? Maybe if I self-coach I’ll end up letting myself off the hook.”

Well what you are looking for is accountability. It’s an important part of any coaching relationship. But with self-coaching, it’s easy to let yourself slide. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to hold onto accountability…

Write Down Your Goals

The first step is to be open about what you’re trying to accomplish. If you’re not clear on what your goal is, self-coaching may not be a good fit for you at this time. You may need the help of a life coach to determine what your goals are.

If you know what you want to do, then write down that goal. You want to be specific while doing this. Don’t put down a vague goal like “earn more money” or “lose some weight”. Get honest with yourself here—do you want to earn an extra 20K this year? Are you working to lose 60 pounds?

The more specific you are, the easier accountability will be. That’s because you’ll be able to look back and see if you’ve achieved your goals or not.

Set Milestones

Once you know what your goal is, establish what the milestones are. Milestones are like rest stops. If you’ve ever traveled on a long road trip, then you know how refreshing a good stop can be. It gives you a chance to stretch your legs, fuel back up, and remind yourself why you were excited about the journey in the first place.

Tiny milestones tend to work best. So if your goal is to lose 60 pounds, then focus on losing the first 10. If you want to earn $20K extra this year, concentrate on making $2K first. With small milestones you feel like you’re making progress faster and you’ll be more energized to keep going.

Review Your Progress

An important part of accountability is stopping to look at your progress regularly. Every two to three months, have a check-in session. This is when you pull out your list of goals and your milestones. If you’re getting closer to your goal and hitting milestones, celebrate.

If you’re not making the progress you’d hoped to be, don’t use this as an excuse to shame or berate yourself. Instead, get curious. Ask yourself why you’re not reaching for this goal and be honest in your answer. Is it really that you don’t have time? Or is it that you’re not making it a priority?

Course Correct

As you review your progress toward your goals, you may spot problems. This is an excellent time to course correct. For example, if your goal is to write a book and you’re still on chapter one, you may realize that you need to build writing time into your schedule each day.

Reward Yourself

An important part of the self-coaching process is rewarding good behavior. When you reach a milestone or a goal, you need to give yourself positive feedback in the form of a reward.

This reward should match the accomplishment. You don’t want to give yourself a lavish $10K vacation cruise if your goal is to save money and invest it.

Instead, choose a reward that you find exciting and that represents your goal. For example, if your goal is to build your business then training or a tool to help you on your new path would make an excellent reward for reaching a business goal.

Accountability is necessary in every coaching relationship, especially when you’re self-coaching. It takes discipline and determination to reach your goals but you can do it if you’re committed to the process.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

It Takes a Bit to Impress Me

I've been around the industry for a very long time. I've been with many different companies. I have seen it all. And not to sound snooty or anything but it does take a bit to get my attention. I'm just not easily impressed. There's so much noise and junk out there it's really hard to tell who to listen to or which products are actually worth a damn. So for me it's always about who can show me the goods and show me the money.

And it's not that I am all about money. But if you are running a network marketing business, isn't that what you are supposed to do? Offer products that actually work? That people actually want? So you can turn a profit? I've always thought so.

You probably heard me say last year that I was leaving network marketing. And I fully intended to. But a few weeks ago I was introduced to some new products and two new-to-me companies.

The products did appeal to me and my husband so we gave them a try and you know what?

They work. Just like they're supposed to.

Then I got invited to learn more about each company. (What can I say? My friends are network marketers!)

And you know what?

I'm impressed. Enough that I am back in the network marketing biz. Enough that I joined BOTH of them. Because finding a simple, stable program, run by real decent people, with a low cost entry fee, that I know will be there tomorrow....

Well, it's like finding a nice, quiet, safe place in a good neighborhood where you know it's safe to hang out. It's not near all the cool clubs where all the little wanna-be's gather, trying to look big. It's not trendy with inflated costs. It's quiet, stable, dependable, and safe.

Which is just how I like 'em. Maybe that's why I'm still here after all these years.

I did my time chasing trendy and new and discovered that it's a good way to to lose. That's why I now build multiple rock solid revenue streams in safe and reliable environments that do not take advantage of the new guy in order to make money.

I don't know what you are promoting right now...

But if you want to see the non-hypey, impressive, latest additions to my long-term residual income streams, than you can get a free promotional link to the first one so you can make money right away without spending a dime.

Do that HERE

The other one may not be for everybody. I admit, I never envisioned myself in this business. But after seeing what the products did for my husband, I couldn't say no.

There's a Zoom tonight if you want to hop on

I learned a long time ago...the hard way, unfortunately...that slick wasn't for me. I run a simple business with simple products and tools.

Building strong residuals takes time but you CAN make cash flow today. If you're new to the game I hope I can save you from some of the nonsense and heartache I experienced. If you have been through the wringer I hope you get off the merry-go-round and let me show you how simple it all can be.

I have two multi-levels. Various support tools. All create residual income. And when you understand how it all works, you make money every day from all the sources, it's like that magical easy button everyone is looking for. It's been right here all the time. And I am willing to show you.

Like I said, it takes a bit to impress me. THIS impressed me.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Things They Teach You These Days

If you were in my VIP group last year, you were there for the discussion around positioning.

I have often spoken of the importance of positioning.

Positioning can catapult you forward in ways you can not imagine.

For example:

When social media was new I was one of a few "women of a certain age",

AKA "baby boomer", that was using it. My phone rang off the hook with other "boomers" wanting to know how I was learning it. Was it hard? Did it work?

And because of that, I built relationships that still stand...even 16 years later. I have trained their teams. They took my book to best-seller status. They have driven tons of business my way. All because of POSITIONING.

It's easy pickings because people want to work with those who are in the forefront. That's just human. And that's just positioning.

But then there's pandering.

Pandering is trying to convince or cajole.

Examples of PANDERING would be when someone takes a picture of themselves with a microphone and tries to convince people they are a speaker. Or posting pictures all over of themselves with the hottest business "gurus".

Or trying to show people how important they are because they're attending an event or eating dinner with someone of interest.

Pandering is when we are not demonstrating our skills but instead trying to capitalize on a person, place or circumstance to gain attention.

Pandering is taught by many in the industry. How many of you have been told to take a picture with all the big dogs in the business and post them everywhere?

Stand in front of the logo at an event and take a picture? Scream about your company and its products instead of promoting yourself?

But ask yourself...

Is that going to get you business? Or does it get the big dog business? Does it encourage someone to go to next year's event instead of hanging out with you? Does it build loyalty to a company that is not yours, that you don't own, and have no control over?

Kinda makes you go "hmmmmmmm"

Truth is that positioning is never about screaming about anything. It's not about bragging and manipulation. It's about execution and being known for something. It's about relationships. It's about being confident in what you have and what you know.

Proper positioning can explode your business and save you a ton of effort. Pandering can keep you stalled....forever.

So the next time you are tempted to jump up and down and shout, "Look at me! See me! See who I'm with! See what I'm doing!"

Ask yourself, " Am I positioned properly for now and for the future? Will what I am doing and saying today help me tomorrow? How are people seeing me? As a wanna-be trying to look big? Or as a confident professional?"

If you are in this for the long haul you want to think about these things and create true positioning that will carry you to the top much faster than you ever imagined.

This is the type of stuff I teach. I am not a coach. I am not a guru. I am a PERSONAL TRAINER. I am a MENTOR. I am not looking for tons of people. I am looking for the select few. The question is...are you one of them?

Positioning is everything. It's why the call me SAGE...keeper of knowledge, giver of wisdom. I didn't ask for that. It's just what they call me.

What will they call you?

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Is Self-Coaching Right For You?

Self-coaching can be a wonderful adventure! But how successful you are can depend on the stage of change you're in. If you're wondering about self-coaching, here are four times you should consider doing it.

If You're Fully Committed

Self-coaching works best when you're already fully committed to making a change or are in the process of making a change. If you know that something in your life needs to be changed and you're ready to do the work, you may only need the occasional pep talk from yourself.

If You're Taking Consistent Action

Those who do best with self-coaching tend to be what's known as "self-starters". They don't need external circumstances (like a boss) telling them to do things. They simply get up and do what needs to be done.

When you're already taking consistent action toward your goals, you're internally motivated. You're not depending on others to wake you up and get you going. You're already rolling!

If You're Already Working With A Coach

Self-coaching does work well alongside hired coaching or other interventions like counseling. Just because you're already working with a coach or a counselor doesn't mean you should give up on the idea of self-coaching. It just adds an extra layer of wisdom to the experience.

If You Already Have The Skills

Sometimes, you may already have the skills you need for a task You might also be familiar with the tools and techniques you'll need to navigate a tricky transition in your personal life or career.

Having the support of a coach during this time can be a wonderful thing. But if you're already confident in your skills or know how to use mindset tools, you may find self-coaching enjoyable and fun.

When Doesn't Self-Coaching Work?

Self-coaching is not as likely to be effective when you're learning a new skill or technique. That's because you may need the support and advice that comes from someone who's already been where you are.

You also may need a coach when you have ambivalence about making a change or when you feel paralyzed by indecision. That's because coaches are used to guiding their clients through difficult life choices and they have experience doing this.

Self-coaching can be a wonderful adventure! But remember, the effectiveness of your self-coaching will depend on the stage of change you're in and the level of confidence you've achieved with your preferred coaching tools.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

It's a Season of Transition

I've lived on the dirt road now for 23 years. Been in business just as long. Longer, if you count my "formative years." Been married to the same man for 37 years.

We make our annual trip to Vegas. Our annual trip to Tucumcari. Our annual trips to Idaho, Dallas, and Florida.

My daily routine rarely changes.

I guess you could say I am a creature of habit. Pretty set in my ways. It's a quiet, comfortable life.

And then suddenly, my quiet day-to-day routine has been upended. What started with just having the living room and dining room in our house repainted grew into an entire remodeling project which is STILL ongoing.

And then the hubs shows up one day with a brand new van and announces we are going to convert it into a camper van.

And just when I'm thinking at least my business is stable, the program that I have been with for years and that I have shared with everyone possible because it is THAT good announced that they are closing.

Now I don't mind change. I'm a Gemini after all. But even I was knocked off my center for a bit. Everything that I had built...gone.

But I was only reeling for a bit. Perhaps this is a GOOD THING. Newly remodeled house. Newly converted camper van. New era of life. Why not a new business?

Isn't it strange how that happened? How God decided to put me on a completely fresh path in my life? And while many people would be in panic mode right now, stressed and overwhelmed, I am not.

My house is much more comfortable and the remodeling has helped me to see all of the "junk" I had filled my space with. Decluttering is underway. I am removing all that no longer serves me.

The van will allow us to travel more comfortably and with the furry family in tow. No more worries about if they are being cared for when we travel.

I have worked to keep my mind and body as healthy as possible so I am not facing any of the issues others in my age bracket deal with.

And my business? Well, the parent company of the program I was with did not shut down. They just decided to take all of their 15 years of experience and stability into a new start up. And that start up is going to give me more opportunity than I had in the first place. If I want to go after it. If I want to work for it.

Yes, I'm talking about MLSP. MLSP is now Digital Mentors. Totally new name. Expanded focus. Same awesome folks. Same amazing support.

If you'd like a free 14-day trial to the new software and set up, you can grab that HERE.

Come check out how easy the software is to use and all the things you can create with it.

Opt-in Pages

Free Giveaways

Downloadable eBooks and PDFs

Audio Courses

Video Courses

Sales Pages

Team Sites

Your Own Affiliate Program.

And more...

So here I am in a season of transition. And while there are things that I will miss, times are changing. The marketplace is changing. And therefore, I must change with it or be left behind. And that is just not my style! So goodbye to the old! Hello to NEW OPPORTUNITY!

Sunday, April 23, 2023

4 Big Benefits of Self- Coaching

Changes! I've had a lot of them in my life. And the biggest? Leaving everything I knew and starting a new business and a new life in a new state where I had no connections, no network...nothing. How did I do it? I self-coached my way through the experience.

What Is Self-Coaching?

Self-coaching is the process of leading yourself through mindset shifts and habit breakthroughs to arrive at the next level. The definition sounds simple but the process can be complex. If you're like me and considering self-coaching, here are four big benefits of doing that.

Benefit #1: Learning to Trust Your Essence

Essence is who you are at your core. It's the purest form of your identity. It's the part of you that's truly authentic when everything else is stripped away. Unfortunately, most of us lose track of our essence at some point in our lives. This means that life decisions like where to live or what business to pursue become muddied and difficult to make.

But with self-coaching, you learn to push back against outer (and inner) resistance. You become more in tune with your values and what you want from life. That makes it easier for you to make choices that honor who you are.

Benefit #2: Changing Your Inner Talk

Many people struggle with a "mean girls" voice in their head. This ugly voice reminds you of all the ways you are falling short and why you're a failure. The inner talk may sound like a parent that criticized you constantly, a teacher that didn't support you, classmates or co-workers that bullied you, or a spouse that verbally abused you.

Regardless, inner talk that isn't loving and kind is harming you. With self-coaching, you learn to change the way you talk about yourself. Instead of saying cruel words over who you are, you begin speaking life and truth.

Benefit #3: Cultivating Curiosity

When you're not in touch with your essence and your inner talk is negative, there's not a lot of space to grow. You fear making mistakes or failing. So you spend the majority of your time settling for mediocrity.

But self-coaching gives you the tools to ask questions. No longer are you forced to view the choices you make as black and white or good and bad. Instead, you have permission and space to ask yourself questions. What do you want to crete more of? How would you like to experiment today? What do you want to learn more about?

Benefit #4: Taking Time to Pause

It's easy to get stuck in "reaction" mode. Someone cuts you off in traffic, you spill your coffee on your shirt, and you lock your keys in the card all in the same day. It's tempting to let these things take over and have your focus.

But with self-coaching, you create space to pause and reflect. Rather than reacting to what's happening, you can take a breath and create an action plan that doesn't revolve around reacting. It's so freeing and empowering to realize you can do this!

Self-coaching is a wonderful gift to give yourself. Your age doesn't matter. Your income level doesn't matter. It doesn't even matter if you've never coached anyone. You can become your very life coach today!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Start Earning From Your Skills and Knowledge

You may not realize this. Or maybe you've been told but just don't believe it. But EVERYONE knows something somebody else will pay for.

You have a skill set or knowledge people will pay you for RIGHT NOW! And you can publish this knowledge and turn it into a lead-generating, profit-making machine! If you're not doing so, there are probably 3 limiting beliefs holding you back.

And the most common one is probably this one. Who will buy your stuff?

Today at 4pm EST we are going to help you determine EXACTLY who you should be marketing to so you can start making from from YOUR skills and YOUR knowledge.

This just got monumentally easier and faster with A.I. Give an A.I. bot a a couple of different prompts and BOOM! It spits out the exact person you should be talking to with all your marketing.

If you want to start earning money like the big dogs this year, you should drop everything and watch this free LIVE training today!

Friday, March 24, 2023

Time Waits For No Woman

I know you've heard that saying, or a variation of it anyway. And it's true. Time marches on. And if you aren't paying attention, suddenly you realize that you haven't met all the goals you set for yourself.

And you're out of time.

I'm there right now. There are things that I wanted to achieve that I haven't and unfortunately, due to age or physical constraints or life circumstances, the time to be able to do them has passed. I have suddenly realized that there are just some things that are going to be left undone.

And I am fine with that!

One thing I have learned out here on the dirt road is that there is more to success than reaching goals. What matters most are other things like...

Did I make a difference in someone's life?

Did I do something significant?

And before you start protesting, remember. What may seem small and important to you may make all the difference to someone else.

Did I leave something that will last after I am gone? Am I leaving a LEGACY?

My readers of a "certain age" may be experiencing this as well....the questioning that led me to Life on the Dirt Road. When you begin to look at all you have accomplished and yet wonder why you aren't fulfilled. When you ask yourself, "Is this really all there is?" And like me, you may be redefining what it means to be successful. Making changes. Creating a different kind of lifestyle.

I LOVE my life! I know I have made a difference. I have had impact. And the lessons I have taught my daughters and grandchildren, the example I have tried to set for other marketers, is my legacy.

Many of my younger readers may be looking at this and wondering, "What is that old woman talking about?!"

I am talking about this. I'm talking about not waiting until 65 to figure out what's really important in life. I'm talking about being a "difference-maker". I'm talking about creating impact. About leaving a legacy.

You can still pursue those other goals. Make $10,000 a month or more in your business. Speak on big important stages. Drive that cool car. Take those exotic vacations. Hang with the "cool kids".

But every once in a while take a look at your vision, your values, and your mission and make sure they are in alignment with those goals. So at 65 you too can be saying, "I LOVE my life!" Instead of 'Is that all there is?"

I challenge each of you today to sit down and write a personal mission statement. Not for your business. For your LIFE. Let me know what you come up with.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

How to Make More Money in Less Time With Less People

Affiliate marketing. You've all heard the term. But do you all know what it is? And why low-ticket affiliate sales can actually make you a CHUNK of money?

Think about this. When you approach someone with your mega-dollar high-ticket item, you are a SALESPERSON! No way to deny it. That's what you are. And people are almost genetically coded to regard salespeople with distrust.

Think about you're own behavior when you are shopping, and the salesperson approaches you and asks if they can help you. What is your response? Usually it's something like, "No thank you. I'm just looking." Salespeople are regarded as predators. It's in our DNA!

Now think how much different it is when you go to customer service and ask where something is. Totally different relationship because now they are not salespeople....even though they really are. Now they are perceived as helpful customer service.

It's the same in MLM or High Ticket Sales. When you try to sell someone a $200/month autoship or a $2000 coaching program, you are a salesperson. How much easier would it be to say try my $29 bottle of weight loss supplements or my $7 training video? Now you're selling something affordable that your customer really wants. And when you contact them again in a few days to just follow up and see how they are doing and you CASUALLY mention your other items, you aren't selling them anything, you're just following up to see if they got what they ordered from you.

Now you are not a salesperson. You are customer service checking to make sure everything is good with their order.

Plus, numerous statistics have proven if you can get someone to break the ice and spend even just $1 with you, they are more likely to purchase from you again in the future. You have now earned their trust. You aren't a salesperson anymore. Now you are their friend who helped them solve a problem.

Unfortunately, even today, many MLMs do not have a retail component. You either buy the big package of stuff or nothing. You can't get just the one or two items you may really want.

Enter affiliate marketing!

Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products. How does this help you sell your main product?

Once you sell someone some little something, now you are free to follow up with them just to see how things are. They will talk to you. They are no longer defensive. You will be able to get more information from them about their needs and wants. Then you will know how to steer them to whatever you want them to buy.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make some money while you are attracting the right kind of people to your main offer. It's a great front-end product.

You can also use affiliate marketing to sell things AROUND your main product.

Think PepsiCo.

When you think of Pepsi, you think soda. Which they will happily sell you. But so many people are trying to get healthy now. So Pepsi will also sell you Aquafina and LIFEWTR. And KeVita Kombucha. They will sell you Doritos and Quaker Oats. Cheetos and Sabra Hummus.

Now think of me. I am back in the MLM biz. I will happily sign you up in my business opportunity and sell you a pretty phenomenal weight loss product.

But I also sell training for marketers. Both my own and through affiliate marketing programs. I promote the tools marketers need. Autoresponders, website builders, text messaging systems, snail mail systems. I promote the 360 Marketing System, reports and books and coaching programs, my best-selling book, ring lights, and headsets, and microphones for video marketers.

So even if someone doesn't sign up for my business opportunity, I am still likely to sell them something because they are still looking for something to help them make money. I don't create any of these things except some of the trainings and my book. I just find things my people can use that has a really good sales process around it and I point people at them. I simply show them where they can find what they are looking for (with my affiliate link of course), and let someone else do the selling for me.

I am NOT a good salesperson. But I am a VERY good friend who can always help you find something you need. And because of that, I will always be able to generate cashflow and leads.

If you are looking for the right affiliate programs, obviously I recommend ours. But this isn't about signing you up for our programs. This is about being a SMART business person. So when you look for one, look for one with a strong sales process that will continually remarket on your behalf. One that has stability and a good track record. Make sure the people attached to it have stellar reputations. And of course, an opportunity for escalating earnings is a plus.

Affiliate marketing is the way to make more money in less time with less people selling folks what they already want to buy.

If you want to check out the affiliate programs I'm promoting, come check out the BeClub. It is invitation only, so just drop a comment below if you want an invitation and I'll get you in.

I'm your VERY good friend who will help you find the community you need to finally BEcome a professional marketer.