We just returned from a fabulous vacation in Disney World with one of our daughters and her children. Spending a week in Florida with our daughter and grandchildren was the perfect end to our summer. It capped off a year that also included a trip to Daytona Bike Week (my husband's dream vacation), a relaxing visit to the Florida Keys (can you tell we like Florida), and a trip to Denver to attend jvAlert Live. Still to come - our annual Halloween trip to Las Vegas.
That's four vacations this year plus a trip to Denver - which is almost like a vacation to me since I so enjoy attending a jvAlert Live event. Would you like to be able to travel like that? I assure you that it is easier than you think to accomplish this goal!
More on this in a minute. I first want to share with you why I am choosing to blog about this today. There are several reasons.
I am sure you are aware that is the first day of September. Summer is just about over and we will soon be looking towards the end of 2013. We have already completed our annual shopping trip for new school clothes for the grandchildren. In fact, two of them have already returned to school.
Several years ago I learned the power of reflection from the incredible Mr. Jim
Rohn. Jim teaches you should set aside some time to reflect - at the end of each day, each week, each month, and finally at the end of the year.
After all, if you don't monitor your results how can you ever know if you are on track to claim your dreams? The truth is you can't. And so, I set aside some time each evening, just before bed, to look back on my day or my week or my month and take stock of where I am and where I want to be. Since I have adopted this philosophy the results in every area of my life have been amazing.
As I write this, it is almost 10:00 pm CDT here in Arkansas. That's just about the end of my day. As I sit here reflecting over the day, I am looking at pictures from the trip to Disney World with our grandchildren and it made me realize that summer is almost over and fall will soon be upon us. Before you know it, we will be planning Halloween costumes, whose house to spend Thanksgiving at, and what to get the
grandkids for Christmas. It made me start looking back on my year so far and getting extremely excited for what's ahead.
How has 2013 been for you so far? Are you on track to achieve your goals? Are you one step closer to achieving your BIG dreams? I truly hope you are. However, the sad but true fact is that most people are not making progress in their life. They are either exactly were they were last year or even worse they are quickly moving backwards.
If what I described sounds familiar to you... intimately familiar (if you know what I mean) I have GREAT news for you. You can decide today to make 2013 the year you start your own business. It's not too late!
Every year I strive to improve on last years results. As 2013 rapidly winds down I am extremely proud to say that we are finishing up our best year EVER financially. Here is the key. Every year in late December I make the decision to make the following year even better. I may not always know exactly how I am going to do this at that point. But I set the goal and that's the first step. The how-
to's always come to me along the way.
Now, I don't tell you this to brag or impress you. I simply tell you this to demonstrate that you too can create amazing results, in every area of your life, if you are just willing to take consistent, persistent and massive action! I learned that from the fabulous
Carrie Wilkerson - the key to success is massive action to completion!
I also want to let you know that my success did not come over night. At one point right after I left the military, I was earning a whopping $500 a month! Try living on that! Now, we can thankfully look back and laugh at it.
Since then, we have experienced success beyond anything we ever dreamed. We don't have the big cars or the fancy clothes - because they aren't important. But we have a house with room for all the kids and
grandkids, and land for them to run and play, and have dogs or whatever sort of pet they want. And we have something more important to us than almost anything - time. Time to travel. Time to spend with family. Time to do what we want to do when we want to do it.
Although we have been fortunate enough to experience incredible results, especially these last few years, we didn't do it alone. I had many mentors who guided me along the way. One of the BIGGEST keys to our success is the fact that we have always been and continue to remain willing to listen to the advice of those who have gone before. Why reinvent the wheel?
As you read this you are probably asking yourself what in the heck does this have to do with me. Here is what it has to do with you...
If you want the freedom to live life on your terms, I want to help you do just that.
There is much more to life than just being successful in business. If you are ever going to be TRULY wealthy you must have abundance and wealth in every area of your life. I know plenty of people who are well off financially but they absolutely hate their lives.
Now, once you have these ingredients, the last piece of the puzzle is a vehicle to get you to your goals and dreams quickly. I have been working from home for almost 10 full years. I know what it takes to start a business from the ground up. And I can help you start your own path to freedom.
Let me first tell you what being an entrepreneur has done for us.
In this past month I have earned more than most people make. (We do this every single month. Believe it or not this is not the amazing part.)
Here is the best part... I took lots of time to travel and spend time with family this year. My husband has some health issues and so spending time with each other and with family is extremely important to us. And yet, even while we were traveling, I was able to earn a living. I know what you are saying right now. You don't travel that much. Your spouse and family are healthy. You make enough to pay your bills and still be comfortable. Well here is another reason. Two years ago,
Dearl had a heart attack. I took time off to be with him while he recovered. How many of you have had a major illness with a spouse or child and wished that you could be there but instead you had to go to work
every day? Because I can work from home, our business still rolled on bringing in the cash for us.
Much more important than our own results are the results of the people I work with. There our countless people working today generating amazing results for themselves and their family as well. This is where my true passion is. I get the most excitement from assisting others to create tremendous results in their own lives!
There has never been a better time to become a "boomerpreneur." More and more of us are being downsized, pushed into retirement, and left scrambling to find a way to survive our remaining days. What were supposed to be our "golden years" are now all too often years of struggle and sacrifice. But the power of the internet makes starting a business of your own extremely easy and incredibly inexpensive.
If you aren't sure how to start, or even if you are ready, that's where I come in. Ken Evoy says everyone knows something that someone else will pay to learn. Working together, we discover what your "something" is. Once we find your vehicle, we work together to bring your vision into reality. But once your business is up and running, it doesn't mean we leave you on your own. As a member of the BoomerBizCoach community, you can still access all sorts of coaching and assistance. Tune in to my
teleseminars and listen to my amazing guests as they share their knowledge and experience. Some require a fee but many are absolutely free! Visit the sites of the many mentors I list and learn from them as I have. Best of all, you get to share your knowledge and experience with others who are just getting started.
I look forward to working with you very soon! One of our main goals for 2013 was to assist as many people as possible to start a business of their own. I am VERY proud to say we assisted many, many people to achieve this goal. In 2014 we are looking to dramatically increase the # of people we assist to do this.
The only question right now is will you be one of the people who achieves this goal in 2013 or one of the people who lets opportunity pass them by?
Here's where you begin -
Start your business!
Can't wait to start working with you!